Your Name: Qwett Muff
Your SteamID: STEAM_0:1:499188717
Reason for ban: Vandalising My "OWN" discord.
Length of ban: Perma
Reason for Appeal: You say I vandalised my discord but I owned the discord and you cannot vandalise your own property:
vandalism definition: 1.[b] the crime of intentionally damaging property belonging to other people[/b]
Also there is no rule saying I cannot do what I want on my "own" discord therefore banning me for doing what I want with my "own" discord is not a bannable offence and doing so is unjust and should not be a valid reason for banning someone.
Unless you want to ban me for any reason you like but this is not a valid reason.
Also whereby does it imply you have ownership of the discord. (it never has and never will)
Additional Information (images, videos, etc):
Your SteamID: STEAM_0:1:499188717
Reason for ban: Vandalising My "OWN" discord.
Length of ban: Perma
Reason for Appeal: You say I vandalised my discord but I owned the discord and you cannot vandalise your own property:
vandalism definition: 1.[b] the crime of intentionally damaging property belonging to other people[/b]
Also there is no rule saying I cannot do what I want on my "own" discord therefore banning me for doing what I want with my "own" discord is not a bannable offence and doing so is unjust and should not be a valid reason for banning someone.
Unless you want to ban me for any reason you like but this is not a valid reason.
Also whereby does it imply you have ownership of the discord. (it never has and never will)
Additional Information (images, videos, etc):