07-14-2022, 04:27 PM
Your Name: Flaco
Your SteamID (Click to retrieve): STEAM_0:0:42265014
Reason for ban: ARDM, NITRP, POs
Length of ban: 1 week
Reason for appeal (dispute/apology): So basically, i was chilling around Napoli hotel with my boys wearing a bandana and chilling. This cop pulls up and parks next to the Colombo restaurant, i start to shit talking him in RP saying shit like fuck the police, the cop tells me to take my bandana off and i tell him to fuck off i isn’t taking ma shit off, he warns me again i told him to fuck off again (ALL OF THIS IS IN IC) after this he pulls out a tazer gun and try's to taze’s me i pull out my gun and start shooting him which i failed miserably. It ended by hem killing me which obviously it’s a PK. After this i respawned and banned immediately for NITRP and ARDM.
Why should you be unbanned?
First, I didn’t break RP ONCE. Second, I didn’t get pull on a sit or anything to argue. Third it’s not fair to use my POs as a reason of the ban since most of them are old
Additional Information (images, videos, etc)
Your SteamID (Click to retrieve): STEAM_0:0:42265014
Reason for ban: ARDM, NITRP, POs
Length of ban: 1 week
Reason for appeal (dispute/apology): So basically, i was chilling around Napoli hotel with my boys wearing a bandana and chilling. This cop pulls up and parks next to the Colombo restaurant, i start to shit talking him in RP saying shit like fuck the police, the cop tells me to take my bandana off and i tell him to fuck off i isn’t taking ma shit off, he warns me again i told him to fuck off again (ALL OF THIS IS IN IC) after this he pulls out a tazer gun and try's to taze’s me i pull out my gun and start shooting him which i failed miserably. It ended by hem killing me which obviously it’s a PK. After this i respawned and banned immediately for NITRP and ARDM.
Why should you be unbanned?
First, I didn’t break RP ONCE. Second, I didn’t get pull on a sit or anything to argue. Third it’s not fair to use my POs as a reason of the ban since most of them are old
Additional Information (images, videos, etc)