07-19-2022, 04:10 AM
(This post was last modified: 07-19-2022, 04:17 AM by GiovanniLucchese. Edited 1 time in total.)
Your Name: Frank
Your SteamID (Click to retrieve): STEAM_0:1:495539526
Reason for ban: LTARP from Jail cell | Minge | Lying to staff
Length of ban: Permament
Reason for appeal (dispute/apology): Apology
Why should you be unbanned? I made a mistake. About 5 months ago i got jailed on my rabbi character. I decided to move on from that character but my rabbi char was for some reason stuck in PD. When i re logged on that character i noticed i was still in the cell, i called staff to help me get out but Verax notices i had been a previous offender and had talked to me about this situacion and decided to permaban me. I am very sorry if i LTARPed but my character wasn't supposed to be in jail. When verax took my ticket he put me back into the NYC penitentiary team, i made a dumb mistake in switching characters so by the time i had made a new character Verax pulled me into a Sit room and Permabanned me. I do recognize that i have a very extensive record of Rule-Breaking but i served my time. i feel i was a bit wrongfully banned and should have been told to switch back to my other character instead of just being stepped on by the Permaban hammer as if i was a bug. I do say again i am Extremely sorry and very mad at myself for doing such an act. I promise that i will never commit such an act ever again, also id like to mention that i also feel my ban was a bit unnecessary because the admin incharge of my ticket jumped to conclusions way too quickly. If verax could have checked my records ve would have seen that my Rabbi character was put in jail a Very long time ago and i would have lived out the 5tuple of my sentence. I am very apologetic of my actions and i understand my mistakes and i hope by making this clear that i might have been wrongfully banned
Additional Information (images, videos, etc): None
Your SteamID (Click to retrieve): STEAM_0:1:495539526
Reason for ban: LTARP from Jail cell | Minge | Lying to staff
Length of ban: Permament
Reason for appeal (dispute/apology): Apology
Why should you be unbanned? I made a mistake. About 5 months ago i got jailed on my rabbi character. I decided to move on from that character but my rabbi char was for some reason stuck in PD. When i re logged on that character i noticed i was still in the cell, i called staff to help me get out but Verax notices i had been a previous offender and had talked to me about this situacion and decided to permaban me. I am very sorry if i LTARPed but my character wasn't supposed to be in jail. When verax took my ticket he put me back into the NYC penitentiary team, i made a dumb mistake in switching characters so by the time i had made a new character Verax pulled me into a Sit room and Permabanned me. I do recognize that i have a very extensive record of Rule-Breaking but i served my time. i feel i was a bit wrongfully banned and should have been told to switch back to my other character instead of just being stepped on by the Permaban hammer as if i was a bug. I do say again i am Extremely sorry and very mad at myself for doing such an act. I promise that i will never commit such an act ever again, also id like to mention that i also feel my ban was a bit unnecessary because the admin incharge of my ticket jumped to conclusions way too quickly. If verax could have checked my records ve would have seen that my Rabbi character was put in jail a Very long time ago and i would have lived out the 5tuple of my sentence. I am very apologetic of my actions and i understand my mistakes and i hope by making this clear that i might have been wrongfully banned
Additional Information (images, videos, etc): None