06-22-2023, 03:37 PM
Your Name: Roll_Anotha
Your SteamID (Click to retrieve): STEAM_0:0:175395515
Your Discord ID#: IINDMx#4199
Reason for ban: My original ban was for 3 days for leaving the server after I was in a police chase for like 5-10 mins. We kept losing him and he just kept coming back, then we bailed from the car and he started chasing me so I left. Then I tried rejoining on a diff account because I thought 3 days for leaving was dumb. So I made a stupid decision to join on an alt so I could play. Then I was perm banned.
Length of ban: Perm
Reason for appeal (dispute/apology): I understand what I did was really stupid, although I feel as if I have served the sentence. I don't feel like a perm was fair. I was banned months ago and i've stayed gone from mafia rp. I really am sorry about the whole situation I know its dumb but I would just like to play the server again.
Why should you be unbanned? I just feel as if a perm ban is a very steep consequence for an originally somewhat minor offense. I know joining on an alt was dumb but I wasn't banned for crashing the server or anything. It was just leaving a police chase. Please can I be unbanned.
Your SteamID (Click to retrieve): STEAM_0:0:175395515
Your Discord ID#: IINDMx#4199
Reason for ban: My original ban was for 3 days for leaving the server after I was in a police chase for like 5-10 mins. We kept losing him and he just kept coming back, then we bailed from the car and he started chasing me so I left. Then I tried rejoining on a diff account because I thought 3 days for leaving was dumb. So I made a stupid decision to join on an alt so I could play. Then I was perm banned.
Length of ban: Perm
Reason for appeal (dispute/apology): I understand what I did was really stupid, although I feel as if I have served the sentence. I don't feel like a perm was fair. I was banned months ago and i've stayed gone from mafia rp. I really am sorry about the whole situation I know its dumb but I would just like to play the server again.
Why should you be unbanned? I just feel as if a perm ban is a very steep consequence for an originally somewhat minor offense. I know joining on an alt was dumb but I wasn't banned for crashing the server or anything. It was just leaving a police chase. Please can I be unbanned.