Your Name:Okuyagi
Your SteamID
Offender(s) Name(s)
anny Rockwell, Jackie Lee
Offender(s) SteamID(s) I can't get their steam profiles because such command is disabled on the server.
Server this occurred on?: 1980's mafia RP
Time of Incident:15:40
Rule(s) Violated:Idk.
Evidence (Videos/Screenshots):
Additional Information (Players/staff directly involved, etc): They used tazer on me multiple times and couple times hit me with a baton, no other players was involved beside those two individuals, I was arrested because I ram my vehicle into a police car and then aggravated them for car chase.
Your SteamID
Offender(s) Name(s)

Offender(s) SteamID(s) I can't get their steam profiles because such command is disabled on the server.
Server this occurred on?: 1980's mafia RP
Time of Incident:15:40
Rule(s) Violated:Idk.
Evidence (Videos/Screenshots):
Additional Information (Players/staff directly involved, etc): They used tazer on me multiple times and couple times hit me with a baton, no other players was involved beside those two individuals, I was arrested because I ram my vehicle into a police car and then aggravated them for car chase.