11-07-2023, 12:09 AM
Your Character or Steam Name: alexa
Your SteamID (Click to retrieve): 76561199109578432
Your Discord ID#: chxnge8515
Reason for ban: MRDM, I think NLR and LTAP
Length of ban: 1w
Reason for appeal (dispute/apology):me and my friend got payed 15k each to do a hit on these people at hotel and i didnt know that you couldnt do that because me and my friend were both fairly new to the server and we didnt go over the rules
Why should you be unbanned? i didnt know the rules and me and my friend just wanted to get money easily so we can get guns and whatever else is on that server
Your SteamID (Click to retrieve): 76561199109578432
Your Discord ID#: chxnge8515
Reason for ban: MRDM, I think NLR and LTAP
Length of ban: 1w
Reason for appeal (dispute/apology):me and my friend got payed 15k each to do a hit on these people at hotel and i didnt know that you couldnt do that because me and my friend were both fairly new to the server and we didnt go over the rules
Why should you be unbanned? i didnt know the rules and me and my friend just wanted to get money easily so we can get guns and whatever else is on that server