12-09-2023, 07:29 PM
Your Name: Redrum
SteamID: STEAM_0:1:100657981
Staff Member involved: Fox
What flags were blacklisted from you?: PET Flags
Reason for blacklist (if given): Acting demickey and using prop bats to attack people
Why should they be returned?: I am a long-time player and during the time I was on around 2-3 am just fooling around. Admittedly I did let it go a little far and Fox rightfully interevened to stop me. He removed my flags and banned me for I believe a day or two. Afterwards I reached out to Fox and he made it clear that he had no idea it was me and he was acting under the assumption that I was either a problematic player or a new player. I don't have any plans to continue causing problems for anyone with my flags and only wish to use them for building with my newly added faction
(Fox, I promise I'll behave!)
SteamID: STEAM_0:1:100657981
Staff Member involved: Fox
What flags were blacklisted from you?: PET Flags
Reason for blacklist (if given): Acting demickey and using prop bats to attack people
Why should they be returned?: I am a long-time player and during the time I was on around 2-3 am just fooling around. Admittedly I did let it go a little far and Fox rightfully interevened to stop me. He removed my flags and banned me for I believe a day or two. Afterwards I reached out to Fox and he made it clear that he had no idea it was me and he was acting under the assumption that I was either a problematic player or a new player. I don't have any plans to continue causing problems for anyone with my flags and only wish to use them for building with my newly added faction

(Fox, I promise I'll behave!)
![[Image: giphy.gif]](https://media3.giphy.com/media/v1.Y2lkPTc5MGI3NjExbHI4cmhsbWwzZzRsYjg2bXNsN3Z4bHA0ZzRpZmw1ZG9tbDlhNDQ3diZlcD12MV9pbnRlcm5hbF9naWZfYnlfaWQmY3Q9Zw/mBA5FGu0PDMPE1TWoB/giphy.gif)