06-29-2021, 11:57 PM
Your Name: Chad Lopez
Your SteamID (Click to retrieve): STEAM_0:0:400641763
Reason for ban: rdm and failrp
Length of ban:1 day
Reason for appeal (dispute/apology): dispute
Why should you be unbanned? I was in the pd when me and this guy were messing around together while messing around i shot him the one cop in pd didn't seem to care as I'm cool with him. then some guy walks into pd and starts screaming "this guy killed someone police get him" so insticivly I shot him as he is snitching. Once I killed him I was brought to a sit for around 15 minutes and it is determined rdm and failrp. but if I am confident that the cop wont arrest me it shouldn't be fearp it should be counted as a dirty cop (not saying that he is one). after all of this somehow it is he exclaimed just call the police. so I shot him somehow this is rdm even though he was snitching I really dont understand it I've been playing the server not trying to break rules and have fun on the server and with the community i had been trying to help admins come up with and excecute events all day. but things like this really discourage me from playing the server. the definition if snitching is to inform on someone which i believe he had done. https://prnt.sc/17jq9di
Additional Information (images, videos, etc):[color=var(--text-link)]https://medal.tv/clips/56803599/d1337CMOixQW[/color]
Your SteamID (Click to retrieve): STEAM_0:0:400641763
Reason for ban: rdm and failrp
Length of ban:1 day
Reason for appeal (dispute/apology): dispute
Why should you be unbanned? I was in the pd when me and this guy were messing around together while messing around i shot him the one cop in pd didn't seem to care as I'm cool with him. then some guy walks into pd and starts screaming "this guy killed someone police get him" so insticivly I shot him as he is snitching. Once I killed him I was brought to a sit for around 15 minutes and it is determined rdm and failrp. but if I am confident that the cop wont arrest me it shouldn't be fearp it should be counted as a dirty cop (not saying that he is one). after all of this somehow it is he exclaimed just call the police. so I shot him somehow this is rdm even though he was snitching I really dont understand it I've been playing the server not trying to break rules and have fun on the server and with the community i had been trying to help admins come up with and excecute events all day. but things like this really discourage me from playing the server. the definition if snitching is to inform on someone which i believe he had done. https://prnt.sc/17jq9di
Additional Information (images, videos, etc):[color=var(--text-link)]https://medal.tv/clips/56803599/d1337CMOixQW[/color]