07-15-2022, 04:41 AM
Your Name: Sonic Weber
Your SteamID (Click to retrieve): 76561198869556779
Reason for ban: "Mental Health"
Length of ban: Permanent
Reason for appeal (dispute/apology): First off before I state my argument of now rationally the ban was a false one and a misunderstood one caused by misunderstood circumstances during the situation that has gotten me into my second exile, I just want to first off apologize for what i have said or done to you all to cause something that was based on the words i said that came out of my mouth out of rp reaction to one of the staff members and former NYPD member stretch has gaslighted me into a worry about me being criminally charged for losing a civil case to say exact words that were meant for roleplay and was informed recently by a lot of former dvn staff and some notable ones told me that suicide rp was never against the rules from that time when the event happened that has lead into a ban that i understood why but the circumstances i want to argue to let pended and Canadian know what actually happened on that day. During the situation, as i said, Stretch has took me to a NYPD office and head said things that made me roleplay out my worries to say that's suicide rp related of which I can assure and could've assured to everyone like UA of what i said in case of a miscommunication from stretch about what i said, i said that i would jump off of worldcorp and in terms that's suicide rp and after my exile, i was told it wasn't allowed anymore due to ems faction dissolved of which i never knew of that was a rule at all.
A lot of people has done that kind of role play almost a lot from when DVN started months after and i did some myself on other characters and never i had staff come to me and discuss with me about any of those events, including the last event. Again, i do apologize for any of the events that has caused panic and worry for you guys on me and i promise that if my appeal does get accepted, i'll take any condition that comes to me to let me stay around to keep the community active to keep up the server as a player.
Why should you be unbanned? Throughout the 4 months after the exile, i have been actually improving myself in the vast months since after a lot of events that has changed me back to who i was as a person before my destructive mental phase i went through that has been caused by the social isolation that everyone, including me and my family had to do had a very damaging marks that has lead to what has made me say and do things that im not proud off, i.e the threat i made to prevent my pk and that event, im never proud of what i said to get out of it and what the outcome is of it and i made people worried and since after every thing else that happened to me like my house being vandalized for example and other shit that has gotten me to reflect on who i am as a person and who i have to say or be to be like everyone else to get along and have fun while roleplaying at the same time. So yeah, basically i want to be unbanned bc i feel like that the ban was carried in a sloppy half assed kind of way that in many ways, the shadow exile i received was very harsh but needed at the time. I know i tried to ban evade months earlier , i do admit that and like with the pk prevention, i aint proud of it and why i did it bc i was really desperate to talk to UA or pendred to least tell them this exact argument and apology to have my peace with diverge for me to know that they'd at least heard my side and then got rid of me, i would've been ok with it being re banned on the other alt account and let them make their choices and shit.
I really hope you guys gives this appeal a huge and fair amount of consideration for officially to continue the chance that i almost wasted and how almost is that the circumstances that lead to the reason that was misunderstood and honestly i forgive you all for my second exile process but all i want right now if for this to be looked at by all of UA to decide in a fair why and if theres any conditions i have to follow while if i get unbanned, i wouldn't care, i wouldn't waste anymore of it Additional Information (images, videos, etc): N/A
Your SteamID (Click to retrieve): 76561198869556779
Reason for ban: "Mental Health"
Length of ban: Permanent
Reason for appeal (dispute/apology): First off before I state my argument of now rationally the ban was a false one and a misunderstood one caused by misunderstood circumstances during the situation that has gotten me into my second exile, I just want to first off apologize for what i have said or done to you all to cause something that was based on the words i said that came out of my mouth out of rp reaction to one of the staff members and former NYPD member stretch has gaslighted me into a worry about me being criminally charged for losing a civil case to say exact words that were meant for roleplay and was informed recently by a lot of former dvn staff and some notable ones told me that suicide rp was never against the rules from that time when the event happened that has lead into a ban that i understood why but the circumstances i want to argue to let pended and Canadian know what actually happened on that day. During the situation, as i said, Stretch has took me to a NYPD office and head said things that made me roleplay out my worries to say that's suicide rp related of which I can assure and could've assured to everyone like UA of what i said in case of a miscommunication from stretch about what i said, i said that i would jump off of worldcorp and in terms that's suicide rp and after my exile, i was told it wasn't allowed anymore due to ems faction dissolved of which i never knew of that was a rule at all.
A lot of people has done that kind of role play almost a lot from when DVN started months after and i did some myself on other characters and never i had staff come to me and discuss with me about any of those events, including the last event. Again, i do apologize for any of the events that has caused panic and worry for you guys on me and i promise that if my appeal does get accepted, i'll take any condition that comes to me to let me stay around to keep the community active to keep up the server as a player.
Why should you be unbanned? Throughout the 4 months after the exile, i have been actually improving myself in the vast months since after a lot of events that has changed me back to who i was as a person before my destructive mental phase i went through that has been caused by the social isolation that everyone, including me and my family had to do had a very damaging marks that has lead to what has made me say and do things that im not proud off, i.e the threat i made to prevent my pk and that event, im never proud of what i said to get out of it and what the outcome is of it and i made people worried and since after every thing else that happened to me like my house being vandalized for example and other shit that has gotten me to reflect on who i am as a person and who i have to say or be to be like everyone else to get along and have fun while roleplaying at the same time. So yeah, basically i want to be unbanned bc i feel like that the ban was carried in a sloppy half assed kind of way that in many ways, the shadow exile i received was very harsh but needed at the time. I know i tried to ban evade months earlier , i do admit that and like with the pk prevention, i aint proud of it and why i did it bc i was really desperate to talk to UA or pendred to least tell them this exact argument and apology to have my peace with diverge for me to know that they'd at least heard my side and then got rid of me, i would've been ok with it being re banned on the other alt account and let them make their choices and shit.