01-13-2021, 11:31 AM
Ban appeal format
Do not reply to an appeal unless you are directly involved/have supporting evidence.
Your Name: Dont see why you'd need my name.
Your SteamID: Their steam id's are
Reason for ban: , my boys that work for me got banned for a month for being corrupt cops and "minging" at the time i told them to play as corrupt cops and shit for so i can have people inside the force, but after a while they were robbing people and killing em, and got banned for it which was apparantley minging, they didn't know how corrupt cop rp worked, and they are new to the server and mafia rp in general, i got them into it by showing them my stream on discord and they didn't know how any of it worked as i was teachign them all the rules and tips in tricks, but i overlooked one rule to teach them the corrupt cop rp rule, as we mostly play as criminals and never got the idea to rp as one until a couple days ago.
Length of ban: 1 month.
Reason for Appeal: I feel like it was an injustice for them to be banned as they are new players and i feel like they need a little more training from me as they have only been playing for 3 days until they got bannd, but in general they are good rpers and they should be unbanned, they just made a simple mistake and i feel it should be overlooked and forgotten about. Additional Information (images, videos, etc): No but i'd like to hear the admin's side of the story that banned them.
Do not reply to an appeal unless you are directly involved/have supporting evidence.
Your Name: Dont see why you'd need my name.
Your SteamID: Their steam id's are
Reason for ban: , my boys that work for me got banned for a month for being corrupt cops and "minging" at the time i told them to play as corrupt cops and shit for so i can have people inside the force, but after a while they were robbing people and killing em, and got banned for it which was apparantley minging, they didn't know how corrupt cop rp worked, and they are new to the server and mafia rp in general, i got them into it by showing them my stream on discord and they didn't know how any of it worked as i was teachign them all the rules and tips in tricks, but i overlooked one rule to teach them the corrupt cop rp rule, as we mostly play as criminals and never got the idea to rp as one until a couple days ago.
Length of ban: 1 month.
Reason for Appeal: I feel like it was an injustice for them to be banned as they are new players and i feel like they need a little more training from me as they have only been playing for 3 days until they got bannd, but in general they are good rpers and they should be unbanned, they just made a simple mistake and i feel it should be overlooked and forgotten about. Additional Information (images, videos, etc): No but i'd like to hear the admin's side of the story that banned them.