10-10-2022, 03:57 PM
Your Name: Cameron Bambozzini
Your SteamID (Click to retrieve): STEAM_0:0:510915439
Reason for ban: Metagame
Length of ban: Permanent/exile
Reason for appeal (dispute/apology): I would like to apologize to DV-N for my actions as it was out of line. In the moment I just simply didn't care, which caused all of this to happen. I knew I shouldn't have asked someone to let me out of a cell, but I did anyway. I can see how my actions would disrupt the immersion experience of others and I am truly sorry. As a staff member I should know not to do these things, I do sincerely apologize for everything and I wish to play the server once again. If you do not wish to accept this appeal please take into consideration if un-exiling me from the discord's could be an option at this moment in time.
Why should you be unbanned? On this server, I have had many enjoyable memories and have always had a good time. It has been some time since my ban, I have a spotless record, and I have learned my lesson. I am now prepared to join the community with a fresh mind where I have spent a lot of time as well as have become somewhat well known in some areas. With my time in the server I feel as I can improve the RP experience to those who are around me and help make the server a better place.
Your SteamID (Click to retrieve): STEAM_0:0:510915439
Reason for ban: Metagame
Length of ban: Permanent/exile
Reason for appeal (dispute/apology): I would like to apologize to DV-N for my actions as it was out of line. In the moment I just simply didn't care, which caused all of this to happen. I knew I shouldn't have asked someone to let me out of a cell, but I did anyway. I can see how my actions would disrupt the immersion experience of others and I am truly sorry. As a staff member I should know not to do these things, I do sincerely apologize for everything and I wish to play the server once again. If you do not wish to accept this appeal please take into consideration if un-exiling me from the discord's could be an option at this moment in time.
Why should you be unbanned? On this server, I have had many enjoyable memories and have always had a good time. It has been some time since my ban, I have a spotless record, and I have learned my lesson. I am now prepared to join the community with a fresh mind where I have spent a lot of time as well as have become somewhat well known in some areas. With my time in the server I feel as I can improve the RP experience to those who are around me and help make the server a better place.