03-11-2023, 10:28 PM
Your Name: sunrise
Your SteamID (to re trieve): STEAM_0:0:82742228
Your Discord ID#: jermrat #5143
Reason for ban: RDM and lying to staff
Length of ban: Permanant due to ban evasion on another account
Reason for appeal (dispute/apology): I've appealed once in the past because I really enjoy the server and the ban evasion was no intent to minge I just wanted to keep playing till my mains ban was lifted. I really enjoy the server and my friend still plays on it and I would really appreciate having another chance to play.
Why should you be unbanned? I think I should be unbanned because I really enjoy the roleplay of the server and the server in general and I want to take it more seriously this time and play by the exact rules and just enjoy my time within the world the server has created
Your SteamID (to re trieve): STEAM_0:0:82742228
Your Discord ID#: jermrat #5143
Reason for ban: RDM and lying to staff
Length of ban: Permanant due to ban evasion on another account
Reason for appeal (dispute/apology): I've appealed once in the past because I really enjoy the server and the ban evasion was no intent to minge I just wanted to keep playing till my mains ban was lifted. I really enjoy the server and my friend still plays on it and I would really appreciate having another chance to play.
Why should you be unbanned? I think I should be unbanned because I really enjoy the roleplay of the server and the server in general and I want to take it more seriously this time and play by the exact rules and just enjoy my time within the world the server has created