07-04-2023, 04:13 AM
Your Name: youeatpaste
Your SteamID 560201698
Your Discord ID#: youeatpaste
Reason for ban: metagaming
Length of ban: 3 days
Reason for appeal I was told to stop shooting at people so I did and I was still banned for metagaming, i spend a bunch of time in game daily, and i apologize for being is discord. I don't have any previous offences besides tonight because I don't intentionally do anything to effect other players. I didn't know we could get in trouble if we weren't doing anything to other players. after i was told no shooting at random people i stopped and just ran around
Why should you be unbanned? I honestly didn't know it was considered meta gaming if we weren't doing anything like mugging or speaking out of game to gain advantage on other players. Ill make sure to not do it again
Additional Information (images, videos, etc.):
Your SteamID 560201698
Your Discord ID#: youeatpaste
Reason for ban: metagaming
Length of ban: 3 days
Reason for appeal I was told to stop shooting at people so I did and I was still banned for metagaming, i spend a bunch of time in game daily, and i apologize for being is discord. I don't have any previous offences besides tonight because I don't intentionally do anything to effect other players. I didn't know we could get in trouble if we weren't doing anything to other players. after i was told no shooting at random people i stopped and just ran around
Why should you be unbanned? I honestly didn't know it was considered meta gaming if we weren't doing anything like mugging or speaking out of game to gain advantage on other players. Ill make sure to not do it again
Additional Information (images, videos, etc.):