03-16-2022, 12:25 AM
Your Name: Christopher Montana
Your SteamID STEAM_0:0:580816471
Reason for ban: LTARP
Length of ban: 12 hours
Reason for appeal (dispute/apology): I am confused why I'm banned and am curious to why I was being arrested for no reason.
Why should you be unbanned? : I was falsely being arrested and I'm confused why I am banned for LTARP. What proof do the cops have to even arrest me? If there is proof can I see it.
Additional Information (images, videos, etc.): N/A
Your SteamID STEAM_0:0:580816471
Reason for ban: LTARP
Length of ban: 12 hours
Reason for appeal (dispute/apology): I am confused why I'm banned and am curious to why I was being arrested for no reason.
Why should you be unbanned? : I was falsely being arrested and I'm confused why I am banned for LTARP. What proof do the cops have to even arrest me? If there is proof can I see it.
Additional Information (images, videos, etc.): N/A