12-29-2022, 04:40 AM
Your Name: Weber3243
Your SteamID (Click to retrieve): 76561198869556779
Reason for ban: "Mental Health"
Length of ban: Permanent
Reason for appeal (dispute/apology): Hello Diverge Networks Community, I'm Weber3243, or what a lot of you know me as Weber or Sonic Weber or Nicholas Weber Jr in the years since diverge networks have been around that has brought the fun of not just both Mafia RP but Police and political RP as well but besides all that, this is not what I'm mainly going to explain in this appeal, I want to express that throughout the years, throughout some of the events that I did to cause worry from staff and other players for my mental health from the effects of the intensifying my reactions and for them to continue and all the time, all this time I wished Ignored and blocked all of them from my time in Diverge before I said stuff that shows suicide over a game/character and from that day and still now then I regret all of the actions, emotions, and arrogance I expressed against the players who have either annoyed the piss out of me or tried to help me out get through the issues ive had before with the server and I want to apologize and not to ever dispute the ban but although, the ban was kinda shadowed but although I've been trying to figure out what exactly got me banned and I just want the proper chance to just express of how I have been improving as a person and as a GMOD player in the community and I can prove and show that I can handle the server again and I just wish that even though I have tried to get unbanned a lot over of the time but I'm really sorry for the drama I caused during when I caused issues within the server and during my time as a player and Cop in the MafiaRP community, I have no anger or resentment towards everyone of diverge and understood that for whatever the reason for my second exile was for, if it was for regrets of allowing me back in from thr first, I understand but I have done well after when i got back before an specific incident that lead to a misunderstood situation of which, I blame nobody for and I feel sorry and am sorry for everyone that has experienced my anger, but at the same time, I wish to still be around in the server that had brought everyone to total happiness when it first started and as a exiled member, wish to be with diverge througout the end and I would do whatever it takes to make up for what I done and I'm sorry for what I did Pendred, whatever I did that lead to my second exile, I'm really sorry, I've broken trust and I dont deserve your forgiveness but it's your right to judge whether upon to give mercy or punishment and I dont blame you for either choice, I just wanted to discuss of what lead to everything and to hopefully make up for what has lead to this and I heard that a new Map is coming out and knowing that you guys are still having fun in diverge even though their new stuff is still what makes me miss diverge and makes me happy about
Why should you be unbanned? I had been a trying and every day connect member of Diverge Networks for 2 years during the pandemic and before the events that had led to my exile, I was happy because I was playing in a server I could have fun In, only to cause alienation or total scum like behavior that would make me pay in the highest degree of punishments and mostly in most sits I would always comply with staff during those sits and if there's anything saying otherwise than I have no right to call it out but throughout the years, I have been loyal and respectful with the staff and community to an extent and my goal after my release from my first exile was to make up for everything that I caused and to be with the server throughout until the end, pendred, canadian, hue, rem, verax, and to all other UA to set up a fair meeting and then maybe a vote to determine my return but whatever you all decide on what to do for this appeal or to get my last chance on the server, despite the two other chances, I've been always the opposite of minges and scum to the best I could in diverge to get along with everyone and to have fun and I wish for a last chance to make up for everything that occured and wish to be around the community for long as it still be up and if I should be unbanned after Map change or to remake a whole new character on diverge to be a cop somehow, either way, I miss you all and I want to be with you all again to go through all though the great prosperity diverge has been keeping in the mafia rp community for 2 years. Discord: Weber420#2604
Your SteamID (Click to retrieve): 76561198869556779
Reason for ban: "Mental Health"
Length of ban: Permanent
Reason for appeal (dispute/apology): Hello Diverge Networks Community, I'm Weber3243, or what a lot of you know me as Weber or Sonic Weber or Nicholas Weber Jr in the years since diverge networks have been around that has brought the fun of not just both Mafia RP but Police and political RP as well but besides all that, this is not what I'm mainly going to explain in this appeal, I want to express that throughout the years, throughout some of the events that I did to cause worry from staff and other players for my mental health from the effects of the intensifying my reactions and for them to continue and all the time, all this time I wished Ignored and blocked all of them from my time in Diverge before I said stuff that shows suicide over a game/character and from that day and still now then I regret all of the actions, emotions, and arrogance I expressed against the players who have either annoyed the piss out of me or tried to help me out get through the issues ive had before with the server and I want to apologize and not to ever dispute the ban but although, the ban was kinda shadowed but although I've been trying to figure out what exactly got me banned and I just want the proper chance to just express of how I have been improving as a person and as a GMOD player in the community and I can prove and show that I can handle the server again and I just wish that even though I have tried to get unbanned a lot over of the time but I'm really sorry for the drama I caused during when I caused issues within the server and during my time as a player and Cop in the MafiaRP community, I have no anger or resentment towards everyone of diverge and understood that for whatever the reason for my second exile was for, if it was for regrets of allowing me back in from thr first, I understand but I have done well after when i got back before an specific incident that lead to a misunderstood situation of which, I blame nobody for and I feel sorry and am sorry for everyone that has experienced my anger, but at the same time, I wish to still be around in the server that had brought everyone to total happiness when it first started and as a exiled member, wish to be with diverge througout the end and I would do whatever it takes to make up for what I done and I'm sorry for what I did Pendred, whatever I did that lead to my second exile, I'm really sorry, I've broken trust and I dont deserve your forgiveness but it's your right to judge whether upon to give mercy or punishment and I dont blame you for either choice, I just wanted to discuss of what lead to everything and to hopefully make up for what has lead to this and I heard that a new Map is coming out and knowing that you guys are still having fun in diverge even though their new stuff is still what makes me miss diverge and makes me happy about
Why should you be unbanned? I had been a trying and every day connect member of Diverge Networks for 2 years during the pandemic and before the events that had led to my exile, I was happy because I was playing in a server I could have fun In, only to cause alienation or total scum like behavior that would make me pay in the highest degree of punishments and mostly in most sits I would always comply with staff during those sits and if there's anything saying otherwise than I have no right to call it out but throughout the years, I have been loyal and respectful with the staff and community to an extent and my goal after my release from my first exile was to make up for everything that I caused and to be with the server throughout until the end, pendred, canadian, hue, rem, verax, and to all other UA to set up a fair meeting and then maybe a vote to determine my return but whatever you all decide on what to do for this appeal or to get my last chance on the server, despite the two other chances, I've been always the opposite of minges and scum to the best I could in diverge to get along with everyone and to have fun and I wish for a last chance to make up for everything that occured and wish to be around the community for long as it still be up and if I should be unbanned after Map change or to remake a whole new character on diverge to be a cop somehow, either way, I miss you all and I want to be with you all again to go through all though the great prosperity diverge has been keeping in the mafia rp community for 2 years. Discord: Weber420#2604