02-11-2023, 01:36 AM
Your Name: gunninglegend
Your SteamID 76561199189716145
Your Discord ID#: SWAGGR#8197
Reason for ban: MRDM
Length of ban: permanent
Reason for appeal (dispute/apology): apology
Why should you be unbanned? Because i know what i did was wrong and i know i should have not done it and i was just taking orders but thats not an excuse but im not asking to get unbanned right off the bat but i would to atleast get my ban to 2 or three weeks and im very sorry for what i did i just want to get back and play the mafiaRP with the friends i made while in the PD because i was banned for a week and than permanently which i understand but again i dont want a week ban i would rather have a 2 or 3 week ban because i would love to get back into playing on the server and again im very sorry and i promise on god i wont do it again.
Additional Information: none
Your SteamID 76561199189716145
Your Discord ID#: SWAGGR#8197
Reason for ban: MRDM
Length of ban: permanent
Reason for appeal (dispute/apology): apology
Why should you be unbanned? Because i know what i did was wrong and i know i should have not done it and i was just taking orders but thats not an excuse but im not asking to get unbanned right off the bat but i would to atleast get my ban to 2 or three weeks and im very sorry for what i did i just want to get back and play the mafiaRP with the friends i made while in the PD because i was banned for a week and than permanently which i understand but again i dont want a week ban i would rather have a 2 or 3 week ban because i would love to get back into playing on the server and again im very sorry and i promise on god i wont do it again.
Additional Information: none