06-03-2023, 12:06 AM
Your Name: Tyla Thompson
Your SteamID (Click to retrieve): STEAM_0:0:593328437
Your Discord ID#:Tyla#8861
Reason for ban: RDM 7X + LYING TO STAFF
Length of ban: 12 Hours
Reason for appeal (dispute/apology): Originally the ban was for 8 hours but it became 12 for "lying to staff" when I never I said this kid hit me in the legs earlier so i came back w an uzi and shot him and he said thats "lying to staff" i've been serious rping the whole time and not all 7 kills were rdm.
Why should you be unbanned? The staff member never watched clips I sent or even listened to me at all, I sent a few clips he ignored them and he ignored my side of the argument i can thoroughly explain atleast 3 kills the ban can stay but the additional hours for lying to staff bruh it should only be 8 hours man i just wanna serious rp.
Additional Information (images, videos, etc):
Your SteamID (Click to retrieve): STEAM_0:0:593328437
Your Discord ID#:Tyla#8861
Reason for ban: RDM 7X + LYING TO STAFF
Length of ban: 12 Hours
Reason for appeal (dispute/apology): Originally the ban was for 8 hours but it became 12 for "lying to staff" when I never I said this kid hit me in the legs earlier so i came back w an uzi and shot him and he said thats "lying to staff" i've been serious rping the whole time and not all 7 kills were rdm.
Why should you be unbanned? The staff member never watched clips I sent or even listened to me at all, I sent a few clips he ignored them and he ignored my side of the argument i can thoroughly explain atleast 3 kills the ban can stay but the additional hours for lying to staff bruh it should only be 8 hours man i just wanna serious rp.
Additional Information (images, videos, etc):