06-12-2023, 08:13 AM
(This post was last modified: 06-12-2023, 08:22 PM by Kabu. Edited 3 times in total.
Edit Reason: Wifi went out again while I was playing sum and this time I recorded to provide evidence that this is in fact a regular occurrence outside of my contr
Your Name: Kabu Kowalski
Your SteamID: https://steamcommunity.com/profiles/76561199000155694/
Your Discord ID#: SKalla#7894
Reason for ban: LTARP PO x1
Length of ban: 3 days.
Reason for appeal (dispute/apology): I disconnected from the game due to an internet provider issue and my wifi was down for a few hours before my technician told me on the phone the wifi was up and running again when I joined back I was banned due to something that happened with 2 randoms prior to my wifi coming down.
Why should you be unbanned?: I love diverge, I love the community and the people (mostly) I spend atleast 3 hours a day on it Ive made good friends with people. I genuinely enjoy playing and having fun with everyone and was really looking forward to tomorrow. And me and my gf play off the same steam id so she can't play either which is unfair because she likes the server just as much as I do and she really didn't do anything I will do whatever is necessary to get my ban appealed
Your SteamID: https://steamcommunity.com/profiles/76561199000155694/
Your Discord ID#: SKalla#7894
Reason for ban: LTARP PO x1
Length of ban: 3 days.
Reason for appeal (dispute/apology): I disconnected from the game due to an internet provider issue and my wifi was down for a few hours before my technician told me on the phone the wifi was up and running again when I joined back I was banned due to something that happened with 2 randoms prior to my wifi coming down.
Why should you be unbanned?: I love diverge, I love the community and the people (mostly) I spend atleast 3 hours a day on it Ive made good friends with people. I genuinely enjoy playing and having fun with everyone and was really looking forward to tomorrow. And me and my gf play off the same steam id so she can't play either which is unfair because she likes the server just as much as I do and she really didn't do anything I will do whatever is necessary to get my ban appealed