02-23-2022, 11:48 PM
+1, I will be assisting in running this faction pending approval. Our backstory has come a very long way since we originally posted it, and we sincerely hope you enjoy it. Between "Paddy" and myself, we probably have over 450+ hours on the Diverge New York City server. We are excited for the Miami update, and are hoping that we can be a part of it. We will be an RP oriented faction, where members will have more responsibilities than to just grind money, only to fork it up the ladder. We want to keep our community entertained and dedicated to our faction, and in my personal experience, the game is much more enjoyable when higher ups are active and are willing to interact with associates. Thank you to everyone who will read through our backstory, we worked extremely hard on it over the last week! Best of luck to all other factions putting up their applications!