(04-13-2022, 04:05 AM)kash Wrote: -1Please refrain from making a statement like this using my name in instances that are out of my control. You time and time again have been unprofessional regarding faction applications calling people retarded or "schizo" as a staff member uttering those words on this website is not worth my time or breath. Sickining claims, Not only that you have no proof nor can provide video with claims of breaking rules, if what you said is true why have I not been warned banned or better yet spoken by staff. Regarding you're staff abuse and harassment of players alike. This forum is not for you to criticize, It is for questions and getting to know our story "Vetrano". You utter words from you're mouth without considering A: Your position in this community as a staff member and B: Failed to provide proof of these statements. So please try to formulate a conscientious message before making false statements. This platform is for the server not for you to be a "toxic child". I want to quote from a staff member "Kash doesn't care about his faction he does not support his faction or care about his low level people.".
I was trying to hold my opinions until I had developed what you are like CriminalRP wise, but after recent situations, I have come to a conclusion.
You have not shown any competency as a “don”, you’ve been acting like one despite the fact you are a sub.
You constantly have accused my faction of targeting you over the fact that I have some sort of OOC Bias against you, (which I never really did) and used that as a reason to blatantly ARDM and RDM members of my faction with your friends who have come from Prometheus with no experience at all.
Also the fact that you are trying to make us seem like the aggressors when in reality it’s just you being a schizophrenic. I have never forcibly told my guys to go attack you, in fact, I don’t even know what you look like or what your characters name is.
Not to mention that you said “get rid of inactive Italians in Miami” when not only are Italians active as shit, there’s enough with out a doubt. And also I agree with Schmeeze, you are still incompetent as a player (your PD is alright). I believe you should stick with PD RP because that seems to be your speciality which you’re not bad at. CriminalRP is a whole different concept, and you’re coming straight into it trying to become a don. Gain some experience and mentor competent leaders before giving it a try yourself.
Incompetency is something that kills factions, and I personally don’t see this going anywhere except the ban list.
(04-13-2022, 04:17 AM)Romullus Wrote:My reply to you is simple and im sorry if I upset you. But our rp so far will stammer from when we are accepted. We wish to bring RP such as our idea of horse races etc. Although it seems like it is the same people who deny all mafia people I want to clarify that my faction is not simply for italians I support those who wish to come into contact with me. My people have brain stormed ideas for everyone to receive a steady cash influx. I time and time again have proved to staff that my dedication and roleplay is never questioned and I have never abused the server in any instance. Refer from Kash's statement. But yes I thank you for being fair and understanding my stand hope we can sit down and I can show you my ideas and how active our roleplay will be.(04-08-2022, 11:08 PM)Gustavo Wrote:who are you referring to?(04-08-2022, 09:25 PM)Romullus Wrote: -1 go to new york or smtGet rid of inactive mafia's in Miami.
I also hope you know that we have commands that allow us to directly view the activity of factions so do not worry. All inactive factions are notified, then removed.