01-27-2023, 12:03 AM
+1 I think it would be a good addition.
I think it would maybe have to be tweaked slightly though as I can see this being rife with people abusing it and stealing from AFK players or if it's added to the C menu, accidentally attempting to steal from someone who you're trying to give your F3 to, or give money to etc. I think it would have to show on the other persons screen like 'You feel a hand in your pocket'.
I think an alternative to this would be to add a command such as /balance which displays your balance in the chat. Then the muggers can make you hand it all over, i.e
Mugger: Right you're in a lot of trouble, how much money do you have on you
"mugger does /me reaches into victims pockets"
"Victim now has to do /balance"
"Victim has $3000"
I think it would maybe have to be tweaked slightly though as I can see this being rife with people abusing it and stealing from AFK players or if it's added to the C menu, accidentally attempting to steal from someone who you're trying to give your F3 to, or give money to etc. I think it would have to show on the other persons screen like 'You feel a hand in your pocket'.
I think an alternative to this would be to add a command such as /balance which displays your balance in the chat. Then the muggers can make you hand it all over, i.e
Mugger: Right you're in a lot of trouble, how much money do you have on you
"mugger does /me reaches into victims pockets"
"Victim now has to do /balance"
"Victim has $3000"