07-04-2023, 04:25 AM
Yes you were warned earlier on the night for shooting at people for no reason, yet it was clear that the 4 of you were using Discord to coordinate in game in character movements, you would get separated and then magically know where the other was without any IC communication. 3 of you in your group tried to get into silver tongue but it was locked, Magically Donny left his 14k char and joined in on his Colombo char and unlocked the door for you guys. Again, using discord as your means of communication for coordinating IC movements.
The funny thing to me is whenever there is a faction war, people scream metagame when they think people are using discord to communicate, but when there is no faction war the same people screaming metagame are fine using discord to communicate on and don’t classify it as metagame.
The funny thing to me is whenever there is a faction war, people scream metagame when they think people are using discord to communicate, but when there is no faction war the same people screaming metagame are fine using discord to communicate on and don’t classify it as metagame.