Hello, I am the banning staff member.
Clarification, the Global Rule 3 was a typo I actually meant to put Global Rule 2. I already decreased your ban from 14 days to 7 days due to the fact I thought I went a little overboard with the ban, this was all done at the time of the ban.
To start off, you punched minge'd a law enforcement officer, which then you were shot and killed. Then you NLR'd & came back to the scene and OOC'ly insulted someone about their disability telling them they won't be able to be something in life because they in your words "mentally unstable" , "mentally retarded" , which is not acceptable in our community and it's harassment. Then you were detained for smelling like weed, which you had in description. Then while in detainment you changed your description and removed it, which is Fail RP. You were acting like a minge the entire time of the incident, you had no intent to roleplay seriously.
I wish you good luck, on your appeal.
Rule 7 (General Rules): Don't punch minge or initiate arguments to
Rule 1 (Life Rules): You MUST follow NLR after every death. You will not remember anything from the last 15 minutes before your last death in RP. Nor can you return to the same RP situation.
Global Rule 2 (Global Rules): Harassment: Whilst we advocate for Freedom of Speech and have very little limitation on what can and cannot be said, Repeated verbal or text abuse to a player of any kind after being made aware is causing them discomfort is considered harassment, know where to draw the line.
Disclaimer: The FailRP infraction of you changing you chardesc does not need to be exactly in the rules it still counts as FailRP.
Clarification, the Global Rule 3 was a typo I actually meant to put Global Rule 2. I already decreased your ban from 14 days to 7 days due to the fact I thought I went a little overboard with the ban, this was all done at the time of the ban.
To start off, you punched minge'd a law enforcement officer, which then you were shot and killed. Then you NLR'd & came back to the scene and OOC'ly insulted someone about their disability telling them they won't be able to be something in life because they in your words "mentally unstable" , "mentally retarded" , which is not acceptable in our community and it's harassment. Then you were detained for smelling like weed, which you had in description. Then while in detainment you changed your description and removed it, which is Fail RP. You were acting like a minge the entire time of the incident, you had no intent to roleplay seriously.
I wish you good luck, on your appeal.
Rule 7 (General Rules): Don't punch minge or initiate arguments to
Rule 1 (Life Rules): You MUST follow NLR after every death. You will not remember anything from the last 15 minutes before your last death in RP. Nor can you return to the same RP situation.
Global Rule 2 (Global Rules): Harassment: Whilst we advocate for Freedom of Speech and have very little limitation on what can and cannot be said, Repeated verbal or text abuse to a player of any kind after being made aware is causing them discomfort is considered harassment, know where to draw the line.
Disclaimer: The FailRP infraction of you changing you chardesc does not need to be exactly in the rules it still counts as FailRP.