01-18-2024, 08:57 PM
I was apart of the initial scene at PD, you were trying to convince an Officer to get in your car because you had business with him. We encouraged you to talk about your business inside of PD, which you did but shortly after you convinced him to get into your car. We were going to tail the 3 of you, when we heard someone say if you try anything I will shoot you. It wasn't foxx, it was someone in your car and that is when we jumped out and asked the officer to get out of your car and questioned you. You got agitated when I asked if the car was yours and told you that I ran your plates, I then talked with the Officer who gave a very weird detail of what you guys wanted from him, as you kept saying " I know where you are from". Foxx tailed you because the entire thing was suspicious. There was no metagame, we acted on IC evidence and you were open carrying a firearm, which she was asking about, again you were being watched from the scenario that happened before, I have the clips but don't think they are needed here.