07-24-2021, 02:12 PM
I am very impressed with the back story within this application, I have worked with Kidwell in the past and find him extremely professional and fit for a position like this one. On top of that, the Lacerta company has been in MafiaRP in the past before, and they're extremely fun to RP with and are unique to the server. This is not your ordinary Italian family, gang, or even a security corp. If you remember the O'Shea, this faction can almost resemble them in their own way. I heavily recommend this faction to be considered for a spot in Diverge Networks.
I am very impressed with the back story within this application, I have worked with Kidwell in the past and find him extremely professional and fit for a position like this one. On top of that, the Lacerta company has been in MafiaRP in the past before, and they're extremely fun to RP with and are unique to the server. This is not your ordinary Italian family, gang, or even a security corp. If you remember the O'Shea, this faction can almost resemble them in their own way. I heavily recommend this faction to be considered for a spot in Diverge Networks.
Wasted away again in Margaritaville