11-26-2021, 12:58 AM
Your Name: carti
Your SteamID (Click to retrieve): STEAM_0:1:459991921
Reason for ban: NITRP | Minge Punch in jail cell as cop | fought his fellow cop
Length of ban: 7 fucking days kull:
Reason for appeal (dispute/apology): This dude Draggydx is the biggest faggot & retard for banning me for a week even though the "Fought his fellow cop" and "Minge Punch in jail cell as cop" is the most retarded reason to ban for 7 days those two reasons can be handled in RP not a staff issue. So fuck this retards apology?
Why should you be unbanned? One who tf names themselves Draggydx the cat def got on the keyboard when making that name. Two 2 of the reasoning of the bans can be easily handled in RP not OOC (retarded staff moment) Three who tf is it 7 days you must be smoking something other then weed you 90 pound retard at most NITRP should be like a 3 day not 7 fucking days ???
Additional Information (images, videos, etc): Bing bong fuck ya life
Your SteamID (Click to retrieve): STEAM_0:1:459991921
Reason for ban: NITRP | Minge Punch in jail cell as cop | fought his fellow cop
Length of ban: 7 fucking days kull:
Reason for appeal (dispute/apology): This dude Draggydx is the biggest faggot & retard for banning me for a week even though the "Fought his fellow cop" and "Minge Punch in jail cell as cop" is the most retarded reason to ban for 7 days those two reasons can be handled in RP not a staff issue. So fuck this retards apology?
Why should you be unbanned? One who tf names themselves Draggydx the cat def got on the keyboard when making that name. Two 2 of the reasoning of the bans can be easily handled in RP not OOC (retarded staff moment) Three who tf is it 7 days you must be smoking something other then weed you 90 pound retard at most NITRP should be like a 3 day not 7 fucking days ???
Additional Information (images, videos, etc): Bing bong fuck ya life