11-28-2021, 07:21 PM
In-Game Name(s):
Vladimir Volenski, Vladimir "Doctor Sleep" Solonik, Nikolai "The Doctor" Vasiliev, Vladimir "The Strategist" Reznikov.
Steam Name: Chubbs
Steam Profile Link: https://steamcommunity.com/id/RealChubbs/
Steam ID: Steam64id - [b][b]76561198220699309[/b] Steam Id - RealChubbs[/b]
Discord Username: Chubbs#1001
Age: 17
Total playtime on Server (Do !time in-game): 2w 11h 52m (Ever Increasing)
Time Zone: GMT
How much time can you realistically dedicate to moderating?: All of my time if needed, Modding is somthing i do enjoy.
Have you read the rules?: Of Course.
Do you have a working microphone?: Yes
Do you acknowledge that you must attend all staff meetings (Unless you have stated why you cannot beforehand): Yes
Are you familiarized with SAM and/or Nutscript commands?: Yes.
Do you acknowledge that lying on this application will result in immediate denial and blacklisting from staff?: Yes
Long Answer
Questions proceeded with an asterix require a response of 5 Sentences Minimum.
What is your motivation/reason for applying?:
Just like my last app, I like moderating. Its fun and always gives you an opportunity to have fun with the community and help them aswell, and apart from that i play on the EU side of diverge, where there is little staff ( If Any ) and how they always struggle with tickets, Half the time people just complain in OOC about staff not doing anything and how they have been waiting hours for their tickets to get looked at. I've also ran into multiple issues with players minging and fucking around, ruining the experience of other players, and of course when reported. No staff respond. That's something i want to help out. Apart from the moderation part, i enjoy Diverge, its a good server, good community and a place i want to spend my time on staffing or chilling with the community.
Why should you be considered over other candidates?:
Once again, Just like my other staff app. I shouldn't. All other candidates should have an equal opportunity in joining the staff team, Apart from that im pretty good at problem solving, thinking on the spot and dealing with people that are causing hassle to the rest of the server, Im also able to speak fluent Russian and understand it perfectly, giving me the opportunity to speak to Russian players and explain to them what they did wrong and how they should improve, something i did multiple times before during my time as staff. Apart from that im passionate about my work, Helping people, Staffing and having fun with the community is something i love to do, im on the server almost everyday and if im not in the server, im always on the discord talking to people and helping people out ( The People That Keep Dm'ing Me About Their Problems ). Apart from that Im not bias, No matter if its my friend or a random, EVERYONE gets a chance to speak or suffers for their actions, Just cause your my friend or buddy dose not mean i wont ban you or reduce your ban sentence.
Do you have y previous staffing experience? (Please list where, what position and how long):
Unturned : Classy Games, Sniper Networks, Undertaker [b]and Русский Королевский. ( CG - 300~ Hrs | SN - 220~ Hrs| U - 400~ Hrs | PK - 360 ~ Hrs ) | |
Gmod DarkRP : Liam's DarkRP and Supreme Networks ( LDRP - 450~ Hrs | SN - 320 ~ Hrs ) | |
Arma 3 - 31st Black Hearts Antistasi, 1st Hellfire Detachment Community Server, Zulu Company Antistasi Server and Confused Vindica ( 31stBHA - 680~ Hrs | 1stHDCS - 900~ Hrs | ZCAS - 230~ Hrs | CV 420~ Hrs [<-- Funny Number] ) | |
Battlefield Community Severs : Monarch Servers ( MS - 120~ Hrs ) || Cs Community Severs - Eu Rus Public Serf [Easy] / [Medium] / [Hard] / [Extreme] ( ERPS - 410 ~ Hrs [All Servers] ) ||
Rising Storm : MEGA Server, Yetsman Helo Training ( MS - 230~ Hrs | YHT 100~ Hrs ) || FiveM : Sea Side Roleplay ( SSR - 120Hrs ~ [<-- Shitty Polish Server] ) [b][b]||
DIVERGE NETWORKS - 1 Week (( I Think)(Ngl One Of The Best Servers I Staffed On) [/b]
In most of thoses servers i was either Moderator or Admin. I was only Head Admin on most Arma 3 Servers and Liams Networks on Gmod but thats it those are most if not all the servers i staffed for (the ones i remember [ had to ask friends] ) and the approximate hours for them too.[/b][/b]
Have you been banned before on any of our servers? If so, why?:
I have been banned 4 times off Diverge Networks. My ban reasons are :
Cringe ERP | | RDM / PO x 2 | | RDM / LTAP | | RDM / POx4 || RDM / POx5
Cringe ERP - I got banned for 3Hrs on 9/11 for banging a hot dog off the PD cell walls and saying in chat "/me takes out big weiner, /me eats big weiner, /me bangs wiener off cell walls, /me puts weiner into officers mouth" [ Staff member that banned me - Hue ]
RDM / PO x 2 - I dont even remember this ban reason at all, i got banned for 12 Hours on the 21/8. [ Staff member that banned me - Hue ]
RDM / LTAP - I dont remember this one either, i got banned for 12 hours on this too on the 1/5. [ First Ban ] [ Staff member that banned me - Recoil ]
RDM / POx4 - I got banned by H orginally, but after an appeal it got changed by Hue.
RDM / POx5 - I got banned by Kash, due to the fact i shot him while he was disrespecting me. Something i should have not done.
I all can say for these bans is that i grew up from them and got a better understanding of the rules. I have no excuses for the bans as they were all justified.
Would you say that you are well known in our community, what's your reputation, what do other members think of you?:
I would say im pretty known, alot of people know me as the Ex Diverge Mod, Some people still think im a mod and keep asking me for help, and others just know me as "Chubbs". Half the time in RP i get called "Chubbs" Instead of Vladimir, Nikolai etc, I don't mind it by this point as it just happens way to often, There are a few people that hate me in the community but to my knowledge that's like 3-4 People, 2 Kids in the discord and 2 Police officers.
Have any staff members recommended you? If so, list their names:
Stretch - Moderator
Mr. Soler - Moderator
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
Perma Banned Todd
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
Currently asked multiple staff members, If i get a response ill make sure to update the staff app.
Problem Solving
Detail step by step exactly the actions you would take.
Someone RDMs and you are currently off-duty. How do you handle this?:
First off all, Ill just ask another staff member to take care of the situation. If that does not work ill quickly pause any RP im doing and pop onto my staff char, from there ill bring the player to a sit and ask him why he RDM'd me, While he is explaining his side of the story, ill check his previous bans, Po's etc. If he's a new player and does not know what he is doing, ill give him a warn and explain to him how he is not allowed to do what he did. If he aren't a new player and has plenty of Po's, Ill just slap a ban on his ass.
You have seen a fellow staff member of higher or equal rank than you abusing fairly often, but never doing anything too noticeable. What do you do?:
I would first not mention it and just record the action in case, from there i would talk to them and try to explain to them that what they did is not allowed and they should stop. If they proceed to deny me and tell me they never did anything wrong i would just show them the clip and try make them improve on them selves. If they continue to do such actions i would just report that one staff member to a higher rank of staff with valid proof and evidence.
A very good friend of yours joins the server. Over the course of an hour, you’ve received multiple complaints about them not following rules, RDM’ing, and minging. How do you proceed
knowing this can affect your friendship with them?:
First off all, I'd request another staff member to deal with the situation, due to biased reasons, if no other staff member is able to take the case or get on and take it, I will have to unfortunately take it my self but..... lmfao, I don't care if they are my friend, if they broke the rules they get punished simple as. If they wanna bitch to me afterwards go ahead I don't really care, You join the server agreeing to the rules, If you don't uphold the rules you get punished. Apart from that if they wish to cry to me over getting banned in a Garry's Mod Server ( When It Was Their Fault ), Ill just end the relation ship there, cause just sad.
I want the whole community to see this, I was staff on DVN before and I fucked it up and didn't take it as seriously as I should have, Of course I did my job and people liked me as a staff member and said I was a good staff as I did my job correctly, But I did minge around on alt chars, Mic spam and make the infamous Circumcision Van. I shouldn't have done what I did, I should've treated all my other chars like my staff char, Just because I'm not on my staff char does not mean I'm not representing the staff team, Pendred, Bacon, Rem. I should've learned from the first few warnings Some Spy and Rem gave me. But I didn't. On my last Staff application I did get banned by Kash, I would like to apologies for all my mistakes and promise the whole community that I will change and take staff seriously. I would like to thank Rem for allowing me to apply for staff early and the Diverge staff steam for giving me another chance at applying for staff. Thank you for reading this.
Vladimir Volenski, Vladimir "Doctor Sleep" Solonik, Nikolai "The Doctor" Vasiliev, Vladimir "The Strategist" Reznikov.
Steam Name: Chubbs
Steam Profile Link: https://steamcommunity.com/id/RealChubbs/
Steam ID: Steam64id - [b][b]76561198220699309[/b] Steam Id - RealChubbs[/b]
Discord Username: Chubbs#1001
Age: 17
Total playtime on Server (Do !time in-game): 2w 11h 52m (Ever Increasing)
Time Zone: GMT
How much time can you realistically dedicate to moderating?: All of my time if needed, Modding is somthing i do enjoy.
Have you read the rules?: Of Course.
Do you have a working microphone?: Yes
Do you acknowledge that you must attend all staff meetings (Unless you have stated why you cannot beforehand): Yes
Are you familiarized with SAM and/or Nutscript commands?: Yes.
Do you acknowledge that lying on this application will result in immediate denial and blacklisting from staff?: Yes
Long Answer
Questions proceeded with an asterix require a response of 5 Sentences Minimum.
What is your motivation/reason for applying?:
Just like my last app, I like moderating. Its fun and always gives you an opportunity to have fun with the community and help them aswell, and apart from that i play on the EU side of diverge, where there is little staff ( If Any ) and how they always struggle with tickets, Half the time people just complain in OOC about staff not doing anything and how they have been waiting hours for their tickets to get looked at. I've also ran into multiple issues with players minging and fucking around, ruining the experience of other players, and of course when reported. No staff respond. That's something i want to help out. Apart from the moderation part, i enjoy Diverge, its a good server, good community and a place i want to spend my time on staffing or chilling with the community.
Why should you be considered over other candidates?:
Once again, Just like my other staff app. I shouldn't. All other candidates should have an equal opportunity in joining the staff team, Apart from that im pretty good at problem solving, thinking on the spot and dealing with people that are causing hassle to the rest of the server, Im also able to speak fluent Russian and understand it perfectly, giving me the opportunity to speak to Russian players and explain to them what they did wrong and how they should improve, something i did multiple times before during my time as staff. Apart from that im passionate about my work, Helping people, Staffing and having fun with the community is something i love to do, im on the server almost everyday and if im not in the server, im always on the discord talking to people and helping people out ( The People That Keep Dm'ing Me About Their Problems ). Apart from that Im not bias, No matter if its my friend or a random, EVERYONE gets a chance to speak or suffers for their actions, Just cause your my friend or buddy dose not mean i wont ban you or reduce your ban sentence.
Do you have y previous staffing experience? (Please list where, what position and how long):
Unturned : Classy Games, Sniper Networks, Undertaker [b]and Русский Королевский. ( CG - 300~ Hrs | SN - 220~ Hrs| U - 400~ Hrs | PK - 360 ~ Hrs ) | |
Gmod DarkRP : Liam's DarkRP and Supreme Networks ( LDRP - 450~ Hrs | SN - 320 ~ Hrs ) | |
Arma 3 - 31st Black Hearts Antistasi, 1st Hellfire Detachment Community Server, Zulu Company Antistasi Server and Confused Vindica ( 31stBHA - 680~ Hrs | 1stHDCS - 900~ Hrs | ZCAS - 230~ Hrs | CV 420~ Hrs [<-- Funny Number] ) | |
Battlefield Community Severs : Monarch Servers ( MS - 120~ Hrs ) || Cs Community Severs - Eu Rus Public Serf [Easy] / [Medium] / [Hard] / [Extreme] ( ERPS - 410 ~ Hrs [All Servers] ) ||
Rising Storm : MEGA Server, Yetsman Helo Training ( MS - 230~ Hrs | YHT 100~ Hrs ) || FiveM : Sea Side Roleplay ( SSR - 120Hrs ~ [<-- Shitty Polish Server] ) [b][b]||
DIVERGE NETWORKS - 1 Week (( I Think)(Ngl One Of The Best Servers I Staffed On) [/b]
In most of thoses servers i was either Moderator or Admin. I was only Head Admin on most Arma 3 Servers and Liams Networks on Gmod but thats it those are most if not all the servers i staffed for (the ones i remember [ had to ask friends] ) and the approximate hours for them too.[/b][/b]
Have you been banned before on any of our servers? If so, why?:
I have been banned 4 times off Diverge Networks. My ban reasons are :
Cringe ERP | | RDM / PO x 2 | | RDM / LTAP | | RDM / POx4 || RDM / POx5
Cringe ERP - I got banned for 3Hrs on 9/11 for banging a hot dog off the PD cell walls and saying in chat "/me takes out big weiner, /me eats big weiner, /me bangs wiener off cell walls, /me puts weiner into officers mouth" [ Staff member that banned me - Hue ]
RDM / PO x 2 - I dont even remember this ban reason at all, i got banned for 12 Hours on the 21/8. [ Staff member that banned me - Hue ]
RDM / LTAP - I dont remember this one either, i got banned for 12 hours on this too on the 1/5. [ First Ban ] [ Staff member that banned me - Recoil ]
RDM / POx4 - I got banned by H orginally, but after an appeal it got changed by Hue.
RDM / POx5 - I got banned by Kash, due to the fact i shot him while he was disrespecting me. Something i should have not done.
I all can say for these bans is that i grew up from them and got a better understanding of the rules. I have no excuses for the bans as they were all justified.
Would you say that you are well known in our community, what's your reputation, what do other members think of you?:
I would say im pretty known, alot of people know me as the Ex Diverge Mod, Some people still think im a mod and keep asking me for help, and others just know me as "Chubbs". Half the time in RP i get called "Chubbs" Instead of Vladimir, Nikolai etc, I don't mind it by this point as it just happens way to often, There are a few people that hate me in the community but to my knowledge that's like 3-4 People, 2 Kids in the discord and 2 Police officers.
Have any staff members recommended you? If so, list their names:
Stretch - Moderator
Mr. Soler - Moderator
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
Perma Banned Todd
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
Currently asked multiple staff members, If i get a response ill make sure to update the staff app.
Problem Solving
Detail step by step exactly the actions you would take.
Someone RDMs and you are currently off-duty. How do you handle this?:
First off all, Ill just ask another staff member to take care of the situation. If that does not work ill quickly pause any RP im doing and pop onto my staff char, from there ill bring the player to a sit and ask him why he RDM'd me, While he is explaining his side of the story, ill check his previous bans, Po's etc. If he's a new player and does not know what he is doing, ill give him a warn and explain to him how he is not allowed to do what he did. If he aren't a new player and has plenty of Po's, Ill just slap a ban on his ass.
You have seen a fellow staff member of higher or equal rank than you abusing fairly often, but never doing anything too noticeable. What do you do?:
I would first not mention it and just record the action in case, from there i would talk to them and try to explain to them that what they did is not allowed and they should stop. If they proceed to deny me and tell me they never did anything wrong i would just show them the clip and try make them improve on them selves. If they continue to do such actions i would just report that one staff member to a higher rank of staff with valid proof and evidence.
A very good friend of yours joins the server. Over the course of an hour, you’ve received multiple complaints about them not following rules, RDM’ing, and minging. How do you proceed
knowing this can affect your friendship with them?:
First off all, I'd request another staff member to deal with the situation, due to biased reasons, if no other staff member is able to take the case or get on and take it, I will have to unfortunately take it my self but..... lmfao, I don't care if they are my friend, if they broke the rules they get punished simple as. If they wanna bitch to me afterwards go ahead I don't really care, You join the server agreeing to the rules, If you don't uphold the rules you get punished. Apart from that if they wish to cry to me over getting banned in a Garry's Mod Server ( When It Was Their Fault ), Ill just end the relation ship there, cause just sad.
I want the whole community to see this, I was staff on DVN before and I fucked it up and didn't take it as seriously as I should have, Of course I did my job and people liked me as a staff member and said I was a good staff as I did my job correctly, But I did minge around on alt chars, Mic spam and make the infamous Circumcision Van. I shouldn't have done what I did, I should've treated all my other chars like my staff char, Just because I'm not on my staff char does not mean I'm not representing the staff team, Pendred, Bacon, Rem. I should've learned from the first few warnings Some Spy and Rem gave me. But I didn't. On my last Staff application I did get banned by Kash, I would like to apologies for all my mistakes and promise the whole community that I will change and take staff seriously. I would like to thank Rem for allowing me to apply for staff early and the Diverge staff steam for giving me another chance at applying for staff. Thank you for reading this.
![[Image: xqobt0wms5d41.jpg]](https://i.redd.it/xqobt0wms5d41.jpg)