12-21-2021, 11:52 PM
Your Name: ttvhackinjesus
Your SteamID (STEAM_0:0:171176292)
Reason for ban: MRDM (i think i forgot)
Length of ban: Permenant
Reason for appeal:apology
Why should you be unbanned? well, i wanted to give roleplay another chance and maybe have fun with it this time. I haven't been on my computer in like 3 months and started playing again. I want to have a fresh start on the Mafia RP server. I remember the fun times i had on this server due to the realism and the choices on this server. However, I threw that away and i regret it. I hope i can get another chance.
Additional Information: If you say no, its fine i get it.
Your SteamID (STEAM_0:0:171176292)
Reason for ban: MRDM (i think i forgot)
Length of ban: Permenant
Reason for appeal:apology
Why should you be unbanned? well, i wanted to give roleplay another chance and maybe have fun with it this time. I haven't been on my computer in like 3 months and started playing again. I want to have a fresh start on the Mafia RP server. I remember the fun times i had on this server due to the realism and the choices on this server. However, I threw that away and i regret it. I hope i can get another chance.
Additional Information: If you say no, its fine i get it.