01-29-2022, 05:45 PM
Your Name: Bill Gates
Your SteamID STEAM_0:0:74397883
Reason for ban:
NITRPl LTAPl Prop kill/prop push
Length of ban: Perma
Reason for appeal (dispute/apology): Apology, honestly don't Know why I did it other than to be a dick, my bad to whoever's RP I disrupted that day
Why should you be unbanned? It was done In August, the ban was originally for two weeks, I'm not sure why I did it other than to be a dick and attempt to be funny, as we know all it did was piss people off and cause disruption to RP, I've been RPing for some time now and know what that type of thing does to someone's RP or what not, I'm sorry for doing and being a cunt, If i was to be unban, I would actually RP as a new Mafia has come in that I'm looking to be a part of and attempt to create decent RP for members of the server and try to get back into Gmod RP. Like I said before, I'm sorry won't happen again if im unban
Additional Information (images, videos, etc):N/A
Your SteamID STEAM_0:0:74397883
Reason for ban:
NITRPl LTAPl Prop kill/prop push
Length of ban: Perma
Reason for appeal (dispute/apology): Apology, honestly don't Know why I did it other than to be a dick, my bad to whoever's RP I disrupted that day
Why should you be unbanned? It was done In August, the ban was originally for two weeks, I'm not sure why I did it other than to be a dick and attempt to be funny, as we know all it did was piss people off and cause disruption to RP, I've been RPing for some time now and know what that type of thing does to someone's RP or what not, I'm sorry for doing and being a cunt, If i was to be unban, I would actually RP as a new Mafia has come in that I'm looking to be a part of and attempt to create decent RP for members of the server and try to get back into Gmod RP. Like I said before, I'm sorry won't happen again if im unban
Additional Information (images, videos, etc):N/A