01-29-2022, 10:10 PM
Your Name: Spoopii, Vincent Gruber.
Your SteamID (Click to retrieve):
Reason for ban: Leading a group of minges | Multiple Notes
Length of ban: Originally seven days, 5 days left.
Reason for appeal (dispute/apology): Apology.
Why should you be unbanned?: Basically what happened was, I got on my Charles character as I wanted to pk that character. I was talking shit to the Cartel factions, and yelling about how I own city hall. I made a suicide pk ticket before this, which no staff took for an hour so I just decided to get pked by the cartel. We started talking shit, trying to get myself pked oocly, which I know throwaway characters are not allowed but I wanted to ditch the character instead of just deleting it I wanted to kill them off. Half way through, people started aiming their guns at me telling me to fuck off, I then told some white shirts to beat the guy up for me because he had his gun out on me and in my own words, "this is my turf" which I know is not allowed at all. This lead to more white shirts coming in and just punching everyone, and then after this, I was simply trying to become a big enough problem that the cartel would have to kill me, which never happened. It just lead to a small parade of 5 white shirts punching everyone at city hall whenever I said, "stick em bois". I apologize for what happened, there wasn't many people on and I understand that its still against the rules. At first I was just trying to get pked, then after a bit it just led to us messing around and laughing at city hall for 20 minutes. If anything, a ban reduction would be nice, as I do play the server a lot and I would like to get back on and RP on the new faction my friend got accepted. I apologize for what I did as it was just messing around and never meant to turn into a giant mob of whiteshirts.
Additional Information (images, videos, etc):
Your SteamID (Click to retrieve):
- [color=var(--text-normal)]STEAM_1:0:543213893[/color]
Reason for ban: Leading a group of minges | Multiple Notes
Length of ban: Originally seven days, 5 days left.
Reason for appeal (dispute/apology): Apology.
Why should you be unbanned?: Basically what happened was, I got on my Charles character as I wanted to pk that character. I was talking shit to the Cartel factions, and yelling about how I own city hall. I made a suicide pk ticket before this, which no staff took for an hour so I just decided to get pked by the cartel. We started talking shit, trying to get myself pked oocly, which I know throwaway characters are not allowed but I wanted to ditch the character instead of just deleting it I wanted to kill them off. Half way through, people started aiming their guns at me telling me to fuck off, I then told some white shirts to beat the guy up for me because he had his gun out on me and in my own words, "this is my turf" which I know is not allowed at all. This lead to more white shirts coming in and just punching everyone, and then after this, I was simply trying to become a big enough problem that the cartel would have to kill me, which never happened. It just lead to a small parade of 5 white shirts punching everyone at city hall whenever I said, "stick em bois". I apologize for what happened, there wasn't many people on and I understand that its still against the rules. At first I was just trying to get pked, then after a bit it just led to us messing around and laughing at city hall for 20 minutes. If anything, a ban reduction would be nice, as I do play the server a lot and I would like to get back on and RP on the new faction my friend got accepted. I apologize for what I did as it was just messing around and never meant to turn into a giant mob of whiteshirts.
Additional Information (images, videos, etc):