04-25-2022, 03:40 AM
Your Name:Jacky
Staff Member involved:Infamy
What flags were blacklisted from you?ET
Reason for blacklist (if given)rop Abuse
Why should they be returned?:Over time I have changed I also truly believe them being removed was just. I've become a better person and I have improved myself and I believe having PET flags would enhance my roleplay experience on the server. Thank you almighty Admins thank you so much for your time.
Staff Member involved:Infamy
What flags were blacklisted from you?ET
Reason for blacklist (if given)rop Abuse
Why should they be returned?:Over time I have changed I also truly believe them being removed was just. I've become a better person and I have improved myself and I believe having PET flags would enhance my roleplay experience on the server. Thank you almighty Admins thank you so much for your time.