03-01-2023, 06:48 PM
Your Name: Seamus McMahon
Your SteamID (Click to retrieve): STEAM_0:0:564194565
Your Discord ID#: johnson#4755
Reason for ban: LTAP/ Punchminge/ Recent ban
Length of ban: Permanant
Reason for appeal (dispute/apology): I truly apologise again, I know I said it wouldn’t happen again but it did. I don’t know what I was thinking risking a ban again the day I got unbanned. I thought I could get away with breaking the server rules on an alt character. I very much apologise to the staff team. If you could review this and lower my punishment, it would be highly appreciated.
Why should you be unbanned?
I recently came off of a ban which I apologised for, and I'm still sorry for. About the punch minge, all I wanted to do was start a small ruckus for some roleplay and my aim wasn’t to upset nor anger any players but simply roleplay. It didn’t go the way I planned unfortunately. Very sorry to the players.
With regards to the LTARP. I was killed and left a few minutes after as I was on NLR I assumed the RP had ended,
I didn't expect an admin sit following, but if I was in the wrong for that I apologise and will ensure that I
stay on longer following an RP scenario to ensure that there are no grey areas.
Additional Information (images, videos, etc): No
Your SteamID (Click to retrieve): STEAM_0:0:564194565
Your Discord ID#: johnson#4755
Reason for ban: LTAP/ Punchminge/ Recent ban
Length of ban: Permanant
Reason for appeal (dispute/apology): I truly apologise again, I know I said it wouldn’t happen again but it did. I don’t know what I was thinking risking a ban again the day I got unbanned. I thought I could get away with breaking the server rules on an alt character. I very much apologise to the staff team. If you could review this and lower my punishment, it would be highly appreciated.
Why should you be unbanned?
I recently came off of a ban which I apologised for, and I'm still sorry for. About the punch minge, all I wanted to do was start a small ruckus for some roleplay and my aim wasn’t to upset nor anger any players but simply roleplay. It didn’t go the way I planned unfortunately. Very sorry to the players.
With regards to the LTARP. I was killed and left a few minutes after as I was on NLR I assumed the RP had ended,
I didn't expect an admin sit following, but if I was in the wrong for that I apologise and will ensure that I
stay on longer following an RP scenario to ensure that there are no grey areas.
Additional Information (images, videos, etc): No