05-03-2023, 10:40 PM
Your SteamID: STEAM_0:0:644563614
Date of ban: 2022 August 25
Reason for ban: alt account
Length of ban: perma
Reason for appeal (dispute/apology):first of all,i just want to say that im deeply sorry. it was something very stupid of me and i know that it has bad consequences. I dont know what i was thinking, but it was just an impulsive thing. so I had a month ban starting in august i could not wait i was very impatient to play on the server. I decided to use an alt account if i could evade the ban and start over again but no i got a permanent ban and i was very sad i still regret using an alt account till this day i wish i had played more on the server.
Date of ban: 2022 August 25
Reason for ban: alt account
Length of ban: perma
Reason for appeal (dispute/apology):first of all,i just want to say that im deeply sorry. it was something very stupid of me and i know that it has bad consequences. I dont know what i was thinking, but it was just an impulsive thing. so I had a month ban starting in august i could not wait i was very impatient to play on the server. I decided to use an alt account if i could evade the ban and start over again but no i got a permanent ban and i was very sad i still regret using an alt account till this day i wish i had played more on the server.