08-31-2023, 12:54 AM
Your Name: Doug Allen / Benny Denero
Your SteamID (Click to retrieve): STEAM_0:1:97034501
Your Discord ID#: TheFancyGentleman#6409
Reason for ban: Mass RDM.
Length of ban: Indefinite.
Reason for appeal (dispute/apology):
The RP and events leading up to the video below made the shootout seem justifiable. 20 minutes prior to the shootout, members of Kosher Nostra had reportedly shot and hospitalized members of the Bonnano Crime Family. We then received information that factions 14k, Polish, and Maciver were enroute to Little Italy with Class III weapons.
I was instructed to grab an RPG and get into position to defend our faction territory. After witnessing an army of armed enemies from 3 separate factions begin to occupy our territory, I, alongside 2 other rooftop shooters opened fire.
Why should you be unbanned?
Admittedly, looking back on the situation, it would have been best to have waited for the armed crowd to open fire. However, at the time, due to the prior incident with Kosher Nostra and their hostile occupation of Little Italy, shooting first seemed justifiable. Myself and two others were ordered to defend our faction territory, and was told if they were armed to, "wait for the right moment," and take them out. I mistakenly interpreted 14k, Polish, and Maciver's armed occupation as "the right moment," and should have waited for them to fire first.
My actions were not intended to break server rules, and am requesting Staff to consider lowering the punishment.
Additional Information (images, videos, etc): https://medal.tv/games/garrys-mod/clips/...g4MDA1NTAs
Your SteamID (Click to retrieve): STEAM_0:1:97034501
Your Discord ID#: TheFancyGentleman#6409
Reason for ban: Mass RDM.
Length of ban: Indefinite.
Reason for appeal (dispute/apology):
The RP and events leading up to the video below made the shootout seem justifiable. 20 minutes prior to the shootout, members of Kosher Nostra had reportedly shot and hospitalized members of the Bonnano Crime Family. We then received information that factions 14k, Polish, and Maciver were enroute to Little Italy with Class III weapons.
I was instructed to grab an RPG and get into position to defend our faction territory. After witnessing an army of armed enemies from 3 separate factions begin to occupy our territory, I, alongside 2 other rooftop shooters opened fire.
Why should you be unbanned?
Admittedly, looking back on the situation, it would have been best to have waited for the armed crowd to open fire. However, at the time, due to the prior incident with Kosher Nostra and their hostile occupation of Little Italy, shooting first seemed justifiable. Myself and two others were ordered to defend our faction territory, and was told if they were armed to, "wait for the right moment," and take them out. I mistakenly interpreted 14k, Polish, and Maciver's armed occupation as "the right moment," and should have waited for them to fire first.
My actions were not intended to break server rules, and am requesting Staff to consider lowering the punishment.
Additional Information (images, videos, etc): https://medal.tv/games/garrys-mod/clips/...g4MDA1NTAs