Name of Character: Matthew Capucci
SteamID: STEAM_0:0:37114416
Date of PK: 29/05/21
Reason for PK: Breaking Fear RP
Why should you be unPK'd?: I believe the reason for my PK is very contestable, and those who PK'd me broke a rule themselves before coming to kill me. While mugging an individual, his friend fired upon me from around thirty feet away so I returned fire. However, the person I was in the process of mugging attempted to wrap around me and pull out a weapon while still almost directly in my POV. I killed him at that time, and he was then apart of the situation that ended in my PK even though he died in the situation. In my defense, I did not hear the man tell me to put my hands up. I only saw him get out of his vehicle about ten to fifteen feet away from me and pull out a weapon, so I pulled out mine and fired upon them. I offered a different solution to these two inside the admin situation, but they refused and were adamant in PKing me. I believe this situation was poorly roleplayed, and does not constitute a permanent kill of my character. I do not have the video of the PK itself, but I do have the video the individuals friend has of the actual situation that started this. You can also hear inside the video the two are metagaming by disclosing IC information OOC. His friend asks "are you dead?" and responds with "yes." near the end of the video below.
If possible please provide video evidence or photo evidence if PK does not follow the guidelines:
SteamID: STEAM_0:0:37114416
Date of PK: 29/05/21
Reason for PK: Breaking Fear RP
Why should you be unPK'd?: I believe the reason for my PK is very contestable, and those who PK'd me broke a rule themselves before coming to kill me. While mugging an individual, his friend fired upon me from around thirty feet away so I returned fire. However, the person I was in the process of mugging attempted to wrap around me and pull out a weapon while still almost directly in my POV. I killed him at that time, and he was then apart of the situation that ended in my PK even though he died in the situation. In my defense, I did not hear the man tell me to put my hands up. I only saw him get out of his vehicle about ten to fifteen feet away from me and pull out a weapon, so I pulled out mine and fired upon them. I offered a different solution to these two inside the admin situation, but they refused and were adamant in PKing me. I believe this situation was poorly roleplayed, and does not constitute a permanent kill of my character. I do not have the video of the PK itself, but I do have the video the individuals friend has of the actual situation that started this. You can also hear inside the video the two are metagaming by disclosing IC information OOC. His friend asks "are you dead?" and responds with "yes." near the end of the video below.
If possible please provide video evidence or photo evidence if PK does not follow the guidelines: