06-14-2021, 09:50 PM
Your Name: Diego
Your SteamID (Click to retrieve): STEAM_0:0:430651291
Reason for ban: NITRP-previous
Length of ban: PERMA
Reason for appeal (dispute/apology): no point coming here and complaining saying i should be unbanned i do accept the fact i did have NITRP during that scenario and i do apologize i was being blatantly mingy and i agree 100% on my ban but i have realized how awesome the server is and would love to play again i do realize it will be hard due do my history but im not a minge any more (believe) i made staff on a popular server (not sure if i can say name due to it may be advertising but dm me and i will happily show you proof) and i am ready to rejoin diverge and provide good quality rp
Why should you be unbanned? because im not going to ruin other peoples rp and ruin there days i will keep all my toxic and negative thoughts to my self because honestly i was a asshole and was not very liked
Additional Information (images, videos, etc): N/A
Your SteamID (Click to retrieve): STEAM_0:0:430651291
Reason for ban: NITRP-previous
Length of ban: PERMA
Reason for appeal (dispute/apology): no point coming here and complaining saying i should be unbanned i do accept the fact i did have NITRP during that scenario and i do apologize i was being blatantly mingy and i agree 100% on my ban but i have realized how awesome the server is and would love to play again i do realize it will be hard due do my history but im not a minge any more (believe) i made staff on a popular server (not sure if i can say name due to it may be advertising but dm me and i will happily show you proof) and i am ready to rejoin diverge and provide good quality rp
Why should you be unbanned? because im not going to ruin other peoples rp and ruin there days i will keep all my toxic and negative thoughts to my self because honestly i was a asshole and was not very liked
Additional Information (images, videos, etc): N/A