08-22-2021, 05:52 PM
Your Name: Metrail
Your SteamID (Click to retrieve): STEAM_0:1:224926982
Reason for ban: Kill Baiting
Length of ban: Permanent
Reason for appeal (dispute/apology): Dispute
Why should you be unbanned? So basically what happened was the Magistrate was snitching on us for doing something so we went to the PD to kill him (Non PK) and I was waiting outside the section where the magistrate was and my allies were going to kill him, I did have my gun out on safety but I was playing it off as I was told to stay in PD. Lewis Brown pulls out his gun on me when I have my gun out and I tried explaining/lying to him about what I was doing then he tried arresting me so I shot and killed him, my allies I believe killed the magistrate after that. I go AFK and I come back permanently banned. I personally don't think I should be permabanned even though I do have a big record of bans/notes because recently I have actually been trying to change the way I play the server and this can be proven by my DMs/Logs on my crime character trading drugs and making money. I was not kill baiting at all, all we wanted to do was kill the magistrate due to him snitching on us but then Lewis Brown came along and attempted an arrest on me midway executing the kill. I didn't want to kill Lewis Brown but he did try and arrest me and I had like 2 guns to do the murder.
Additional Information (images, videos, etc): https://medal.tv/clips/62420870/d1337f3Li5DD