01-19-2022, 07:11 PM
So my suggestion would be to tune most of the cars in the game to be more usable balanced and realistic currently most of the cars you see are the Citron SM and the Dodge Monaco and some other luxury cars. but most of the Economy Vehicles are barely even usable they either have bad acceleration bad traction or a fucked gearing ratio as well as some luxury vehicles. Would just love to be able to use all of the cars normally there are so many good cars but most of them are just really bad hard to drive and isn't really worth the trouble. for example The Hudson Hornet definitely a cool car but it just doesn't make sense that going full throttle it spins its tires in first and second gear and for some reason, it's quite fast could be a reference to the Cars movie I don't know but it doesn't make sense. but you see many flaws in most of the cars if you test drive them all and there is only a small amount of cars that you could actually practically use without having to struggle to drive it or be really slow or shitty handling. if it's possible it would be great to have more diversity in the cars you see driving around whenever there not limited. Obviously, this suggestion is not urgent but it's more of a quality of life addition.