06-08-2022, 10:02 PM
Your Name: Scar
Your SteamID (Click to retrieve): STEAM_0:0:201578163
Reason for ban: Meta Gaming
Length of ban: 5 Days
Reason for appeal: For me I feel like 5 days for Meta Gaming is a bit much. I've never had any past warns or bans for this reason. I understand on why the punishment can be harsh so then people don't do it again.
Why should you be unbanned? I've never been banned or even warned for Meta Gaming in the past, I always try my best to deafen my self while I'm in a RP situation so I do not try anything stupid while IC. This time I just forgot to press my deafen bind because I was going to a area to roleplay for a different situation. The admin said I was being banned for Fail FearRP which I didn't do anything wrong. In the message he send in game, FearRP must be a Valid Kill, Mugging or Kidnapping. I didn't do none of them to the black male in the video.
Additional Information (images, videos, etc):
Your SteamID (Click to retrieve): STEAM_0:0:201578163
Reason for ban: Meta Gaming
Length of ban: 5 Days
Reason for appeal: For me I feel like 5 days for Meta Gaming is a bit much. I've never had any past warns or bans for this reason. I understand on why the punishment can be harsh so then people don't do it again.
Why should you be unbanned? I've never been banned or even warned for Meta Gaming in the past, I always try my best to deafen my self while I'm in a RP situation so I do not try anything stupid while IC. This time I just forgot to press my deafen bind because I was going to a area to roleplay for a different situation. The admin said I was being banned for Fail FearRP which I didn't do anything wrong. In the message he send in game, FearRP must be a Valid Kill, Mugging or Kidnapping. I didn't do none of them to the black male in the video.
Additional Information (images, videos, etc):