07-15-2022, 04:38 AM
Your Name: Jason callegari
SteamID: STEAM_0:0:444872730
Staff Member involved: ghostie
What flags were blacklisted from you?: pet flags
Reason for blacklist (if given): built a dark rp base inside slums motel in Miami
Why should they be returned?: ik that i just got my pet flags back like a month ago but in the situation that happened today what i did was wrong but i really didn't mean to do any harm to others. me and my friends were joking around and one of em said build a darkrp base inside and i was like sure then i had to go afk for 15 min and during the time i was gone afk our place got raided because we robbed some guy and the build was still up. i did plan on deleting it when i got back from being afk but i didn't make it in time all I'm asking is for you guys to please give me my pet flags back and you guys are probably going to check my warns/bans and be like fuck that this guy is a minge but I'm really not anymore in the pass yes. I've been playing for awhile now taking the game serious and your probably thinking this guy is talking out of his ass and does not mean any of this but i really do i am sorry for what I did and I didn't mean to harm anyone with this build/joke and if i do get em back i am really am going to be on top of my shit this time so admins don't have to go out of their way to remove my shit sorry again - kash
SteamID: STEAM_0:0:444872730
Staff Member involved: ghostie
What flags were blacklisted from you?: pet flags
Reason for blacklist (if given): built a dark rp base inside slums motel in Miami
Why should they be returned?: ik that i just got my pet flags back like a month ago but in the situation that happened today what i did was wrong but i really didn't mean to do any harm to others. me and my friends were joking around and one of em said build a darkrp base inside and i was like sure then i had to go afk for 15 min and during the time i was gone afk our place got raided because we robbed some guy and the build was still up. i did plan on deleting it when i got back from being afk but i didn't make it in time all I'm asking is for you guys to please give me my pet flags back and you guys are probably going to check my warns/bans and be like fuck that this guy is a minge but I'm really not anymore in the pass yes. I've been playing for awhile now taking the game serious and your probably thinking this guy is talking out of his ass and does not mean any of this but i really do i am sorry for what I did and I didn't mean to harm anyone with this build/joke and if i do get em back i am really am going to be on top of my shit this time so admins don't have to go out of their way to remove my shit sorry again - kash