07-20-2022, 02:58 AM
Your Name: Joish Chernick
Your SteamID: STEAM_0:1:216135074
Reason for ban: Mass Rdm
Length of ban: perma
Reason for appeal (dispute/apology): apology
Why should you be unbanned? I understand that most people who shoot up the police station with uzis aren't the wisest but in my case 2 of my friends that I would frequently play with on this server were banned forever and I felt that I should no longer play this server since they were banned. But I do miss this fun I had on this server. Everyone was always chill and I always had a good time. After playing gmod for as long as I have I figured I might as well give mafia rp another shot. I am truly sorry for any money that was lost and any fun that was ruined. I have learned from my mistakes and I will never go down that path again. I would not be writing the length of this thread if I had the intention to come back and mass rdm again. I'm sorry to all those that died in the police that night.
Your SteamID: STEAM_0:1:216135074
Reason for ban: Mass Rdm
Length of ban: perma
Reason for appeal (dispute/apology): apology
Why should you be unbanned? I understand that most people who shoot up the police station with uzis aren't the wisest but in my case 2 of my friends that I would frequently play with on this server were banned forever and I felt that I should no longer play this server since they were banned. But I do miss this fun I had on this server. Everyone was always chill and I always had a good time. After playing gmod for as long as I have I figured I might as well give mafia rp another shot. I am truly sorry for any money that was lost and any fun that was ruined. I have learned from my mistakes and I will never go down that path again. I would not be writing the length of this thread if I had the intention to come back and mass rdm again. I'm sorry to all those that died in the police that night.