08-22-2022, 06:34 PM
Your Name: Michael "Cop Killa" Tophati
Your SteamID (Click to retrieve):STEAM_0:0:596466356
Reason for ban: FailRP, Item transfer
Length of ban: 14 days
Reason for appeal (dispute/apology): i am interested in playing on the server again
Why should you be unbanned? So, when i had logged onto my tophat character, i checked my bank (the bank had 2 other people on it,) and there were guns in the item bank, without questioning / hesitating, i took one of the guns. I was later banned for item transfer. However, i did not know where the guns came from and i'm honestly sorry for not inquiring, i should have tried to figure out where they had came from. I am going to delete my tophat character due to it being too much of an issue, and i'm honestly ashamed of myself for being so naive.
Additional Information (images, videos, etc): none.
Your SteamID (Click to retrieve):STEAM_0:0:596466356
Reason for ban: FailRP, Item transfer
Length of ban: 14 days
Reason for appeal (dispute/apology): i am interested in playing on the server again
Why should you be unbanned? So, when i had logged onto my tophat character, i checked my bank (the bank had 2 other people on it,) and there were guns in the item bank, without questioning / hesitating, i took one of the guns. I was later banned for item transfer. However, i did not know where the guns came from and i'm honestly sorry for not inquiring, i should have tried to figure out where they had came from. I am going to delete my tophat character due to it being too much of an issue, and i'm honestly ashamed of myself for being so naive.
Additional Information (images, videos, etc): none.