09-04-2022, 12:11 AM
Your Name: FrankWatson
Your SteamID
Reason for ban: VDM
Length of ban: 1 Week
Reason for appeal (dispute/apology): Dispute
Why should you be unbanned? So i do feel i was wrongfully banned because looking over both the kill rules and the vdm rules i found my offense was only valid if it was a random attack. Now it was quite the opposite. What had happened was is that i stole a cops car and was then shot at by him so i drove around the block and went full throttle into his ass and crushed him. Right after i was swept away from the scene by a admin telling me that you are not allowed to kill any one wtth cars but as i have checked the rules again i dont see that anywhere in there. I do not have the video anymore but i did not attempt to break the rules and it is to my understanding that i did not in the first place. I would very much appreciate to be unbanned if i am innocents if i am wrong please explain to me the exact rule i broke so i know for the future. Thank you
Additional Information (images, videos, etc): N/A
Your SteamID
Reason for ban: VDM
Length of ban: 1 Week
Reason for appeal (dispute/apology): Dispute
Why should you be unbanned? So i do feel i was wrongfully banned because looking over both the kill rules and the vdm rules i found my offense was only valid if it was a random attack. Now it was quite the opposite. What had happened was is that i stole a cops car and was then shot at by him so i drove around the block and went full throttle into his ass and crushed him. Right after i was swept away from the scene by a admin telling me that you are not allowed to kill any one wtth cars but as i have checked the rules again i dont see that anywhere in there. I do not have the video anymore but i did not attempt to break the rules and it is to my understanding that i did not in the first place. I would very much appreciate to be unbanned if i am innocents if i am wrong please explain to me the exact rule i broke so i know for the future. Thank you
Additional Information (images, videos, etc): N/A