02-26-2023, 07:45 AM
Your Name: juice
SteamID: STEAM_0:0:444872730
Staff Member involved: don't remember
What flags were blacklisted from you?: pet
Reason for blacklist (if given): dark rp base in Miami motels
Why should they be returned?: here I am once again asking for my pet flags back... I know I have a terrible history with the flags with them being stripped from me and I'm sorry for that and I really do mean it. I took a break from mafia rp for a while and I am now back and I would really like to use my pet flags again. I can assure all of you that they will not be used for bad like the last time and I will keep myself in check if I do get them back. I would like to build again for my friends and I would really like to purchase a aircraft in the game and chill and fly around. once again sorry for the stupid shit I've done have a good one!
- juice
SteamID: STEAM_0:0:444872730
Staff Member involved: don't remember
What flags were blacklisted from you?: pet
Reason for blacklist (if given): dark rp base in Miami motels
Why should they be returned?: here I am once again asking for my pet flags back... I know I have a terrible history with the flags with them being stripped from me and I'm sorry for that and I really do mean it. I took a break from mafia rp for a while and I am now back and I would really like to use my pet flags again. I can assure all of you that they will not be used for bad like the last time and I will keep myself in check if I do get them back. I would like to build again for my friends and I would really like to purchase a aircraft in the game and chill and fly around. once again sorry for the stupid shit I've done have a good one!
- juice