03-28-2023, 03:55 PM
Your Name: Skips
Your SteamID STEAM_0:0:526256772
Your Discord ID#: Skips#0912
Reason for ban: Fail mug ltap
Length of ban: 1 day
Reason for appeal (dispute/apology): apology and dispute
Why should you be unbanned? me and my freinds were going to mug someone i told him to come into the alleyway he then opened the door to the hardware store and i had already had my gun on him i told him drop the suit till i saw the npc in the room and i put my gun away and didnt mug him anymore nor have him under fear rp i then said let me out of here and he refused which caused me to pull my gun on him again and i was going to either kill him then lockpick out or he was gonna unlock it and i was gonna run away so i feel as if there was no fail mug. However I do recognize i disconnected in the admin sit before i was pulled into the admin sit i had left the house but my computer still ran the game. for the past few days my internet has been disconnecting multiple times a day im trying to fix it but when i got back home i came back to my computer to see the red disconnect warning at the top of my screen i was too tired to reconnect and i had just turned my computer off and stopped playing for the night. For this I apologize I should have messaged the admin taking care of the situation at least but I was too careless to do so and Im sorry I couldnt get that situation resolved and instead left without saying anything
Additional Information (images, videos, etc):
Your SteamID STEAM_0:0:526256772
Your Discord ID#: Skips#0912
Reason for ban: Fail mug ltap
Length of ban: 1 day
Reason for appeal (dispute/apology): apology and dispute
Why should you be unbanned? me and my freinds were going to mug someone i told him to come into the alleyway he then opened the door to the hardware store and i had already had my gun on him i told him drop the suit till i saw the npc in the room and i put my gun away and didnt mug him anymore nor have him under fear rp i then said let me out of here and he refused which caused me to pull my gun on him again and i was going to either kill him then lockpick out or he was gonna unlock it and i was gonna run away so i feel as if there was no fail mug. However I do recognize i disconnected in the admin sit before i was pulled into the admin sit i had left the house but my computer still ran the game. for the past few days my internet has been disconnecting multiple times a day im trying to fix it but when i got back home i came back to my computer to see the red disconnect warning at the top of my screen i was too tired to reconnect and i had just turned my computer off and stopped playing for the night. For this I apologize I should have messaged the admin taking care of the situation at least but I was too careless to do so and Im sorry I couldnt get that situation resolved and instead left without saying anything
Additional Information (images, videos, etc):