04-20-2023, 11:27 PM
Your Name: Madison "sweet tea" Avery
Your SteamID (Click to retrieve):STEAM_0:0:83612404
Your Discord ID#: n/a
Reason for ban: NITRP/RDM
Length of ban: 1 day
Reason for appeal (dispute/apology): This is absolute jokes, I know when I'm in the wrong and this is not it. This dude real life said that I alted to get revenge on him for something that he did to me but I had just got on the character at that time so what is he talking about.
Also NITRP? All I do is RP, I've been trying to get my character arrested so I can go to court for the longest time, you can ask Captain Vito and Senior officers, the admins never are on.
This officer who I shot clearly has some confusion on who I am as he stated that I alted for revenge.
Why should you be unbanned?
Because I literally was following the flow of gameplay, we were rioting against the cops, they tazed us, I shot one. All in the same character.
Additional Information (images, videos, etc):
No clips, but im sure somespy and the dude who called the sit have em.
Your SteamID (Click to retrieve):STEAM_0:0:83612404
Your Discord ID#: n/a
Reason for ban: NITRP/RDM
Length of ban: 1 day
Reason for appeal (dispute/apology): This is absolute jokes, I know when I'm in the wrong and this is not it. This dude real life said that I alted to get revenge on him for something that he did to me but I had just got on the character at that time so what is he talking about.
Also NITRP? All I do is RP, I've been trying to get my character arrested so I can go to court for the longest time, you can ask Captain Vito and Senior officers, the admins never are on.
This officer who I shot clearly has some confusion on who I am as he stated that I alted for revenge.
Why should you be unbanned?
Because I literally was following the flow of gameplay, we were rioting against the cops, they tazed us, I shot one. All in the same character.
Additional Information (images, videos, etc):
No clips, but im sure somespy and the dude who called the sit have em.