05-27-2023, 09:58 PM
Your Name: Thecooliestdool
SteamID: STEAM_0:1:103194764
Staff Member involved: Rem
What flags were blacklisted from you?: Prop Flags
Reason for blacklist (if given): Probably Prop abuse
Why should they be returned?: I apologize for the events leading to it, I was messing around but I realize I was interfering with an event. I enjoy building and using props to further engage roleplay and I hope my privileges can be returned.
SteamID: STEAM_0:1:103194764
Staff Member involved: Rem
What flags were blacklisted from you?: Prop Flags
Reason for blacklist (if given): Probably Prop abuse
Why should they be returned?: I apologize for the events leading to it, I was messing around but I realize I was interfering with an event. I enjoy building and using props to further engage roleplay and I hope my privileges can be returned.