09-14-2023, 08:59 PM
Your Name: Wanye Kest
SteamID: STEAM_0:1:541492425
Staff Member involved: Fox and Yuki
What flags were blacklisted from you?: PET Flags
Reason for blacklist (if given): Prop Abuse
Why should they be returned? When I was blacklisted for prop abuse, I was climbing a building to zoom in on my friend Paul and to send him a screenshot of himself. It was my first day of having the flags and I didn't realize it was such a big deal. I apologize for what I did, I promise I won't use the props inappropriately again.
SteamID: STEAM_0:1:541492425
Staff Member involved: Fox and Yuki
What flags were blacklisted from you?: PET Flags
Reason for blacklist (if given): Prop Abuse
Why should they be returned? When I was blacklisted for prop abuse, I was climbing a building to zoom in on my friend Paul and to send him a screenshot of himself. It was my first day of having the flags and I didn't realize it was such a big deal. I apologize for what I did, I promise I won't use the props inappropriately again.