12-25-2023, 05:03 PM
Your Name: tlohman6
Staff Member involved: Lomac
What flags were blacklisted from you?: Physics Gun and Tool Gun
Reason for blacklist (if given): I was messing around and blew up someones car.
Why should they be returned?: I genuinely do believe to the fullest I was being retarded, but it was 2AM, nobody was really RPing, everyone was kind of just messing around, and I ended up messing with someone who was not involved in the messing around and thats where it became a problem. I am not a minge, I play this server 24/7, I've put money and time into this server. I really like being creative and making stuff with my Physics gun and Tool Gun for RP purposes, and I feel I deserve a second chance to show my intentions with my flags.
Staff Member involved: Lomac
What flags were blacklisted from you?: Physics Gun and Tool Gun
Reason for blacklist (if given): I was messing around and blew up someones car.
Why should they be returned?: I genuinely do believe to the fullest I was being retarded, but it was 2AM, nobody was really RPing, everyone was kind of just messing around, and I ended up messing with someone who was not involved in the messing around and thats where it became a problem. I am not a minge, I play this server 24/7, I've put money and time into this server. I really like being creative and making stuff with my Physics gun and Tool Gun for RP purposes, and I feel I deserve a second chance to show my intentions with my flags.