01-05-2024, 12:24 AM
- [color=var(--text-normal)]Your Character or Steam Name: Fliccy
Your SteamID (Click to retrieve): STEAM_0:1:737438903
Your Discord ID#: 1109652089933660191
Reason for ban: Mic Spamming
Length of ban: 3 Days
Reason for appeal (dispute/apology): Dispute
Why should you be unbanned? I was playing music through my microphone and I was walking around a group of people located at The Docks, Then out of nowhere I got sent away by an Administrator then banned. I understand now that using a soundboard of any type is bannable but I didn't get warning or anything. I think my ban should be reduced to maybe a mute or a more lenient punishment[/color]
- [color=var(--text-normal)]Your Character or Steam Name: Fliccy